I'm 62 years old and have a PSA of 3.1 up from 2.1 two years ago. Urologist has suggested getting a biopsy since prostate cancer is in my family (but all much later in age). I suffer from chronic prostatitis and have had a recent flare-up that has lasted 3 months now. PSA was rechecked 5 weeks after the first one and still at 3.1. With my chronic prostatitis I'm hesitant about getting an infection or having to deal with a longer flare if the biopsy upsets my prostate. Urologist says insurance likely won't pay for the MRI so I may have to pay out of pocket, which is okay with me. Anyone else paid for their own MP MRI (3.0) and how much did it cost? Any locations close to Ohio? Thanks!
Best place to get a MP MRI if I am pa... - Prostate Cancer N...
Best place to get a MP MRI if I am paying the bill?
Psa trajectory is very important. I would start getting psa tests once month for a while. Just to establish a good baseline.
Get "ultra sensitive" psa tests. If your doc doesn't know what this is, or refuses to order it, get a new doc.
Thanks for getting back to me. Just had my third PSA test done and the last one was almost exactly the same as the first two...3.12, 3.13, and now 3.12 again. I realize the accuracy of these tests is questionable so this may be a fluke that they are this close. Anyway, I was hoping it would be down a little closer to the 2.1 I had two years ago but with my chronic prostatitis symptoms still with me I guess I can see why it didn't go down.
My private insurance would not pay for the MRI, and I was quoted $3,900 (October, 2018) to pay out of pocket. But Medicare does cover it, so I waited until 1/1/19 when I went on Medicare, had the MRI 1/2/19, it found a lesion that was targeted by the biopsy and it was cancerous. I suspect any hospital that does these MRI’s would gladly take your money.
Good luck.
- Bobby
Thanks for your advice. I have found several imaging companies not associated with hospitals that will do a multiparametric MRI with a 3.0 machine for around $750. I think I'm going to give that a try.
Hi, here is a portion of a previous post that I made: " After doing tons of research, I decided to opt for a MRI Fusion biopsy . My Insurance wouldn't cover it, however, I negotiated a “contracted rate” of $1400 (down from the standard rate of $2500) with AD RAD. Worth EVERY penny!"
As I was helped to understand, If insurance declines a request for a certain procedure, you can request a “contracted rate” from a radiology provider. In this case it was Advanced Radiology in CT.
After I was diagnosed and treatment had started, I had an MRI prior to Brachytherapy at MSK hospital(NYC) and only paid a co-pay of $300.00.
Thanks for your advice. I have found several imaging companies not associated with hospitals that will do a multiparametric MRI with a 3.0 machine for around $750. I think I'm going to give that a try. Cleveland Clinic has a price quoted for a Prostate MRI Selfpay for $280...but I find that hard to believe.

Wow, $750 is good. Don't understand "selfpay", unless its cash up front. However CC is highly reputable. Are you looking for a fusion biopsy, where they fuse the MRI with ultrasound?
No, just looking for an alternative to the needle biopsy and willing to pay for it if necessary. Thanks!
Out here in SoCal there is Imaging Healthcare who does 3P MRI's for about $400 cash. They will do a MP-MRI-guided biopsy for about $1,500.
Wish I lived in California...here in Ohio they are few and far between. Thanks!