I start radiation January 6th.
I think I can get the water/bladder thing down, but I have concerns about the other end.
Did you do enemas before each session and is it OK to do a daily enema? I am not particularly regular and would like to be in the best position to avoid damaging that area.
Also, I had surgery April 1st and am still not fully continent. I only use one thin pad during the day and a depends at night, mainly to be on the safe side.
My Oncologist shared some studies that there can still be some healing even with radiation therapy.
How many of you went into radiation still somewhat incontinent? Did it ever improve after radiation or were you left at the incontinence level you were at or did it get worse?
I can kind of deal where I am at now and the few dribbles are not worth any further procedures at this point.
How many of you developed structures after radiation? The tech met a bit of resistance at the anatomists when he catheterized me for the simulation.
Feeling worried of course...