I was diagnosed with stage one PC almost 10 years ago with a steadily rising PSA. I'm 53 and in good health. Taking no medication.
How long is too long to watch and wait? After reading articles and looking at studies I'm starting to think there are two types of PC - the aggressive kind that they find when it's too late because it's already spread and kills you and the other kind that they have hundreds of thousands of men terrified of and are treating them with biopsies, MRI and PSAs until they scare them enough to finally treat them.
I believe that those "other" cancers don't need to be treated (or at least don't need to be treated for a long, long time) And I think when they do treat them 40% of men are left with ED and end up getting the cancer back when it was going to cause them a problem had they not treated their PC.
I think biopsies cause the cancer to grow faster and I really don't want to have any more of them. I think I've had 5 or 6 and it took them 3 before they finally got lucky enough to poke my prostate in the right place to find the cancer.
Is anyone else on board with this thinking?
Has anyone ever heard of anyone waiting too long and the cancer does finally leave the Prostate and cause them real problems? Or has no one ever tested this theory and succumbed to the pressure of spouses and doctors as they look at you flabbergasted that you are not cutting this cancer out of your body?
I don't believe they are curing anyone. I've seen the one study of men who get PSAs and those who don't and how the exact same percentage of those men died of PC 7% I think it was.
I saw the other study that shows men who get treated live on average 2.9 years longer. Really 2.9 years? I think I'll keep all my parts and give up those last 3 years. I get it's just an average, but where is the real proof that they are saving anyone?
I understand the why people get treated but I don't like those 40% odds of ED.
I just had another MRI and I'm told the cancer is still in the prostate but has grown a bit since my last MRI about 16 months ago.
9/3/19 -20.8
12/10/18 - 16.3
4/10/17 - 13.3
5/19/16 - 12.2
11/26/15 - 9.4
11/13/15 - 12.1
6/26/15 - 7.4
My father died at 72 with a PSA of 20+ but of something other than PC.
My Gleason score was 3+3 as of my last biopsy in 12/2016. Cancer found in five cores.
I had the genomic testing which wasn't definitive one way or the other in terms of the aggressiveness of the cancer.