I posted this on one of the other sites (Prostate Cancer and Gay Men), and looking for more exposure -- so posting here too.
I'd like to revive this conversation thread for those of us who have joined "the club" (and Health Unlocked) in the last few months. ED is my last horizon to conquer. So blessed that incontinence and PSA are under control after prostatectomy.
My pre-surgery SHIM (Sexual Health Inventory for Men) was 24; it is now 5. Sadly, this is "severe ED" on the scoring system. Surgery was Oct 2018, almost six months ago. I take 5mg sildenafil at night. The 25mg "challenge dose" is totally ineffective. I stimulate blood flow to my penis every day (sometimes multiple times a day). Manual stimulation gets me to approx 50% firmness, 90% of length (pre-surgery), 100% girth. Pleasant dry-orgasm (less urine discharge recently) is experienced. I bought a $100 pump, use it occasionally -- when I try it with a good start on an erection my penis shrinks under vacuum, never do I get harder? No penetration with my wife since the night before the surgery.
A "right veil/left non-veil nerve sparing technique was performed" (Tall_Allen please explain). My wife is 100% supportive, love to touch and cuddle, and she occasionally achieves orgasm with my semi-hard penis pushing against her vagina. I'm thinking of shooting the magic potion via a needle into my penis as the next option. And, I do believe there is a huge psychological factor in sexual performance. Yesterday, I felt a glimmer of hope that something was happening "down there" during our foreplay. Also, any thoughts on porn? Not movies, just looking at pictures of naked women like we did when we were fifteen.
Please weigh in!