AFTER RADIATION--SUCCESS!: On April... - Prostate Cancer N...

Prostate Cancer Network

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CERICWIN profile image
23 Replies

On April 27, I completed a series of 20 palliative radiation treatments to my prostate, which had begun to grow again, after more than three years of being controlled and being shrunk by the hormone therapy. (prostate couldn't be removed because of invasion of the bladder and against the rectum wall). It had become extremely painful, and my radiation oncologist said that it was about the "size of an apple."

Being on Xtandi, with its side effects, especially fatigue, and the fatigue from the radiation, which was overwhelming at times, the radiation fatigue has been diminishing.

In addition, I came down with skin problems, infections and eczema--probably from the stress of the radiation and the mental stress combined.

Tuesday, I saw my dermatologist and received an injection of Kenalog, a steroid, to help with the eczema, which had spread all over hands and arms and more.

And each morning, I've been feeling better, but with the days' activities, I tired very quickly. But the pain has been diminishing, the skin problems clearing rapidly.

But this morning, I feel like a new man---even before my morning meds. It's an amazing turn-around. Even the pains from the bone mets and arthritis have diminished. I feel better than I've felt in more than a year. Even if it's just temporary, I'll enjoy this reprieve thoroughly. My PSA has even dropped from 5.57 to 4.20

I'll still have the fatigue and other side effects from Xtandi, Xgeva and Avodart, but they're insignificant, compared to how I've been feeling previously. And I know that I'll be experiencing more fatigue as I go through today's activities, but it's nothing, compared to the fatigue that I'd felt for a couple of weeks after completing the radiation.

I can only conclude that the radiation successfully shrank the prostate again, and the steroid injection has really helped in unexpected ways, also, even improving my moods.


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CERICWIN profile image
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23 Replies
maack1 profile image

So good to read, Eric. It is about time you experienced some relief.

CERICWIN profile image
CERICWIN in reply to maack1

Thank you so much, Chuck. Even if it's just temporary, I am amazed at how good I feel---both physically and mood. Even my appetite is improved, and perhaps I'll be able to put on a few pounds. And I hope that you're also experiencing pain relief since your back surgery.


CERICWIN profile image

Thank you, Bob. It's so refreshing for me to be able to post some good news.


Yo Eric,

Great news. Enjoy your good times brother.


rickcricow profile image

Eric, Congrats! You have suffered more than any of us should ever have to ache.

Your spirit has been uplifting to read on the boards here. I'm new here, but have followed you and love the way you offer encouragement to others.

Hopefully, this weekend you can do whatever it is that you enjoy, and not worry about the cancer for a few hours.


erjlg3 profile image

So happy for you Eric! You are truly a winning warrior! You've come so far!

Nite nite Eric. Talk soon.



CERICWIN profile image
CERICWIN in reply to erjlg3

Thank you, Jackie. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose; such is life. But in this battle, I've won another skirmish. And many hugs back to you, lovely lady.


erjlg3 profile image
erjlg3 in reply to CERICWIN

Those steroids so much help my moods Eric ;)

I hope it will help your skin issues also.

138JOA profile image

Good to hear that you feel good and are thinking positively. I and a PC colleague gave a talk to Costain (building The Bay Gateway Road) andstressed this very point, i.e. if you are diagnosed remain positive at all times. Keep at it!

CERICWIN profile image
CERICWIN in reply to 138JOA

138jOA, I don't pretend to be positive at all times. It's virtually impossible to not get down and depressed sometimes, especially with the hormonal disturbances from the testosterone deprivation and an orchiectomy, plus having a "life limiting disease," as my palliative care nurse put it.

So I have times when I'm down, and it's okay for us to feel sad sometimes---we're not made of stone. But, the majority of the time I have a positive attitude and share it with others.

Burnett1948 profile image

Cericwin I wish you continued success. I've had a RRP and salvation Radiation since 2005. My PSA is .85. I don't know what's ahead of me. Probably hormone treatment next and then the new type of Kymo. Thanks for sharing your experience. Best wishes. John in Australia.

ng27868168 profile image

Cericwin.., great to hear you are making progress and feeling better.

In light of your terrible experience with radiation, I would just like to let others know that not all Prostate Cancer patients have problems with radiation treatments to the extent you have had. As a facilitator for our PC Support group and from personal experience there are many different reactions to this treatment, most of them minor in nature. I had 36 external beam radiation treatments a year after surgery because of rising PSA and the ONLY side effects I had was slight itching of my hemorrhoids. I say this, not to minimize any effects of radiation, but to not scare men from getting this valuable procedure done when necessary.. I personally know several men who have not had radiation treatments despite their doctor's recommendation because they have only heard the bad reports such as this, and continue to see their PSA rise.

Thanks for listening.

erjlg3 profile image

I am elated to hear all of your good news Eric. We'll take whatever we can get that is good whether it be temporary or not temporary. Feeling good is always a great thing ;-) try not to do too much as you will maybe pay for it the next day with more fatigued but try to do something that you enjoy. I'm not sure about you but our spring has not arrived yet. Take good care and God bless you even more :)

Most sincere,


CERICWIN profile image
CERICWIN in reply to erjlg3

Hi Jackie,

Today was simply wonderful---the weather was fantastic, almost 80 degrees and sunny, and I sat outside for almost two hours enjoying the sun and visiting with my friend, Victoria. I haven't had such a good day in a very long time. Being out for so long and walking has tired me out, but it's a good tired, and now I'm home, resting comfortably in bed.

You're so very kind, and I hope you and Elgie are enjoying the weather this nice Sunday, also.


CERICWIN profile image
CERICWIN in reply to erjlg3

Yes Jackie, I'm already paying for it with more fatigue, but it was worth it and I got exercise, sun and fresh air---it was well worth it. I don't have anything scheduled until Tuesday's meeting with my radiation oncologist, so I can rest up tomorrow, also.

Good night, wonderful lady, and sweet dreams to you and Elgie,


CERICWIN profile image

Thank you, ng27868168, but the radiation itself wasn't all that bad. I had more fatigue than usual because of the side effects of the Xtandi, etc., combined with the radiation's fatigue, but I'm feeling better each day.

The radiation was a resounding success---it reduced the excruciating pain I was having from the prostate, which was exactly what it was supposed to do.

I also had the problems with infections and eczema, but that is a small price to pay for reducing the pain I was experiencing.

I've had success with the radiation---as I indicated from the title of my post, somehow I think that you misunderstood what I've written, or perhaps I didn't nake it clear.

I feel infinitely better now than before I began the radiation---this is my second time having radiation---the first was ten treatments to the met on my sacrum.

In no way do I want to discourage others from radiation treatments----quite the opposite. The radiation spared me from having very invasive surgery, which would have involved removing prostate, bladder and a colostomy.

I meet with my radiation oncologist on Tuesday for a followup appointment, and will be delighted to tell him how successful my treatments have been.


erjlg3 profile image

Like like like your follow up message about your radiation. I'm so happy it has helped you so much too! :))))

Dr_WHO profile image

We are all cheering for you! Have a great day!

CERICWIN profile image

Thank you, Dr_WHO. I am enjoying the good effects of the treatments, and the warmer weather here in Chicago is helping, too. By the way, I really enjoyed the Doctor Who series on TV, and I assume from your screen name that you did, also.


toadoftoadhall profile image

Congratulations Cericwin, never knew there was so much to PC treatment. Just joining, so reading all your and others post to educate myself on things to come. Seem you all know more than the doctors do.

CERICWIN profile image

Hi Toad,

Virtually none of us began our prostate cancer journeys with any knowledge of the disease or treatments. We all had to begin learning the hard way.

And I'm certainly no expert. There are others who know much more about treatments than myself. I can only write from my own experiences, and I'm not a typical case----I was diagnosed very late, and my cancer had spread to all of my pelvic lymph glands, spine and sacrum, so don't be afraid that you will have to go through the same things that I'm going through. Most guys are diagnosed much earlier, before the cancer has spread as far as it did with me.

In addition, I've been so weakened by the cancer and side effects of the treatments that my medical oncologist tells me that I'm too weak for chemo---and that in itself is unusual.

I don't know very much about the other treatments, I've been too ill to follow every new development, and my memory and cognitive abilities are somewhat impaired by the drugs.

So you needn't feel ignorant or stupid; every journey begins with the first step. You need to do your homework, to ask questions on this site about treatments and then confer with your doctors. I did research, and while I mainly followed my doctors' treatments, I found out about some other drugs, and my doctors cooperated with my request to try them---but mainly for side effects, not the general course of treatment.

And it's important to remember that you should ask your doctors; on this site, we're not giving medical advice, but providing information that you can take and discuss with them.

The very best of luck to you,


JimVanHorn profile image

CERICWIN, I have similar experiences (72 radiations, leuprolide for 6 years, and Xgeva). I noticed my Vit B12 levels were low on my lab tests and put tablets of 1000mcg of methylcobalamine under my tongue at bedtime. I immediately have lost the fatigue feelings for several years now. Do not use cyanocobalamine, because it is not absorbed that way. I do get tired from time to time, but not all the time.

CERICWIN profile image
CERICWIN in reply to JimVanHorn

Thank you very much. The fatigue from the radiation is fast fading away, and I'm just getting back to the usual fatigue from the Xtandi, which I'm used to. I will think about your suggestion. I hope you have a nice Memorial Day weekend.


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