I have had a tiny bit of blood this evening, only like I have pricked the end of my finger but I'm worried . I was a bit brown in colour. Not had other symptoms except headaches. Could I be mis carrying ?
Spotting at 5 weeks: I have had a tiny... - Pregnancy and Par...
Spotting at 5 weeks

blood is such a scary sign, I had bleeding from the day afterrI missedmy period for 4 weeks, such a scary time, can be anything from implantation where the egg is attaching to your womb, to hormones settling down, let your g.p know and u should be sent for an early scan, take it easy... no heavy lifting, they told me I'm just one of them women that bleed.. try not to worry to much easier said then done I know, see ur Dr tmw x
I had this. It was a polyp. The dr sent me for an extra scan. Everything was fine.
I had episodes of loosing blood but it wasnt spotting but gush of blood!first time when i was 8weeks,then every two weeks after.last few times it was dark brown blood which i've been told is old blood that needs to be removed from the body when its not needed any more.i had no pains,no cramps which is good.they've done loads if test(blood tests,checking the cervix,smear test) but lucky everything is ok.what they found was thrush which was brown but it was only treated with pessary.try not to worry.i know its easy to say cos everyone was telling me the same.but honestly stress doesnt help.you can always talk to your GP or midwife to arrange an early scan.thats what i've done.it will resssure you.i'm 17weeks now and baby is ok.i bought Angelsound and thats reassuring as well although first time i found heart beat was at 12weeks.anyway dont worry and hope everything will be ok xx
It's most probably nothing but you should definitely get checked out!! I had the tiniest bit of blood, you could hardly tell it was there, I booked early scan and unfortunately for me it didn't end very well. I don't want to panic you but it's always best to check good luck, I'm sure you'll be fine
I bleed with my first at 6 weeks then at 8 weeks and it was only brown/pink spotting. It is very scary as you instantly think you are going to loose the baby. I got reffered for an early scan at 6 weeks.
If it is only spotting at this stage then I wouldn't worry to much about it. If you are having a miscarriage then you would need to be changing a pad more than 4 times a day as it would be drenched in blood, if you are not having to then it is probably implantation.
I know how stressed you are probably feeling as I found out I was 7wks last Friday after having a mc in Dec and I am petrified of going to the loo and maybe finding blood. Ring the doc and tell them if you are really worried. Good Luck.
The drs say that "bleeding during pregnancy isn't normal, but it happens to most women during most pregnancies". Helpful huh??
They always tell you to get it checked out - on the upside you might get an early peak at the embryo and even get to see a heart beat as early as 6 weeks!!
I had very small amounts of bleeding (all different colours) 2 times per week from 4 weeks and each time everything was fine, until 8 weeks when the heart beat had stopped.
I don't want to wory you, but when I was in your position I really wanted the information so there it is.
You should know though that the dr was TOTALY shocked in my case when It turned out that I had miscarried - this is because the vast majority of times she checks women with a small amount of bleeding there isn't anything to worry about at all.
Good luck.
Thanks everyone, it was only a tiny bit and not had any since thank goodness !!! Xxxx