I have having a really stressful few days at work aswell as trying to hold down a second job, my partner is in the army he tries to come home every weekend but he wont be home this weekend, infact hes not going to be home for quite a few weekends now and i didnt know this last time i saw him so i now feel like i didnt make the most of the time i had with him last, things get really strained in the week when he is away but i feel like its going to be 10 times worst being away from each other alot longer, it gets to me that he seems to be coping fine with the distance and seperation but im not coping well at all.
Also i havent really felt my little boy move much in the past few days and that is starting to worry me.
Its all come to a head and now ive been sat at my desk in tears for the past half an hour, i dont have many friends i still live at home and my mum is lovely but she has so much on her plate at the moment i dont want to worry her with anything else. She also says that i knew the situation but now i just dont feel like i can cope.
Last time i spoke to my boyfriend about it he told his mum who wanted to see me about it, but i feel to her i am a bit of an inconvenience as he planned to join the army before he met me and with them being very career minded the only thing that stops him enjoying his job and getting on with it is worrying about me.
I love the fact that im pregnant and going to have a little boy but its days like today i dont know how to do anything or what i need to do to pick myself up
sorry for going on
x x x