My first pregnancy and I will be 6 weeks tomorrow, the last couple of days I have had brown/deep red spotting whenever I go to the toilet, rang up gp and she said that It could be normal and just to monitor and if it gets heavy with cramping or pain to call back immediately. Has anyone else had this and everything been ok? I’m terrified of a miscarriage.
Brown spotting at 6 weeks pregnant - Pregnancy and Par...
Brown spotting at 6 weeks pregnant

If could be implantation bleeding, if its only light or brown blood.
That's quite common in early pregnancy. Good luck x
You wouldn’t believe how much I’ve been reading about early pregnancy bleeding this past four days!
I’m bleeding a lot at the moment and v worried.
However light bleeding is perfectly normal so don’t be alarmed, if it gets heavier then you can always speak to your Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit and they may be able to do an early scan.
If you ring your epu not your gp and tell them you’ve had a bleed they might arrange a scan sometime spotting is fine but best to get checked out.
Sorry to anybody going through this but it turned out to be a miscarriage 💔
I’m sorry to hear that Shan, mine was too.
Let’s hope things work out better for us both in the future xx
I’m so sorry. I am having a miscarriage right now. I have been bleeding since December 22nd and thought it was my period. I have PCOS so my period is always irregular. I went to my GYN last week because I’ve been bleeding for 3+ weeks (brownish blood) and that’s never happened before. She didn’t check me or take blood or anything. She just told me to lose weight and take birth control. The pain a few days later was so bad and the bleeding didn’t stop. Friday night I couldn’t take the pain anymore and went to the ER. They found out I was pregnant through a pee test- of course I was shocked. Long story short I got a transvaginal ultrasound and a regular ultrasound and they couldn’t find anything- no sack or anything. So I have to go back on Tuesday for blood work and a check up. The pain is unreal both physically and emotionally. I never understood until it happened to me. Again, I am so sorry.