Completely gutted and devastated to share that I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks. I posted on here not long ago, about a week ago, that I was concerned about my lack of symptoms and the last time I was pregnant and was posting on here, I explained that my symptoms were causing terrible morning sickness, whereas this time there was hardly any. The community on here are really supportive and shared their stories of also not having any symptoms early on, which of course was reassuring but at the same time my gut was telling this is so strange, especially compared with my first time.
Anyway, it turned out the lack of symptoms did mean bad news. I started bleeding two days ago went to A&E. Then went for a scan yesterday morning and was told the fetus had stopped growing. I then bled out all yesterday evening and night to clear it all out.
I feel empty, not only in my womb but in myself as well. Its just gutting. I know I only got to 9 weeks, but the promise and the hope, the excitement of what was to be has all gone. And not to mention, its really painful cramping and changing pads all evening and night to clear it out. Horrible, just horrible. Sorry to be graphic.
Anyway, I'm just sharing because I'm sad and need a place to vent. But also because I need to share about stress. I've been under so much stress at work and in my life and I neglected to take care of myself and my little passenger. If you Google if stress causes miscarriage and Google will say, no, not clinically proven, not necessarily, its genetic etc but I really believe stress was a factor in this.
I've been really well supported by my family and my partner, and not to forget the shopkeeper at the corner shop who gave me a discount because she felt sorry for me yesterday when I went there to drown my sorrows in chocolate and ice cream.
I would say, ladies, don't underestimate the impact of stress on pregnancy. If you're of an older age (like me) and have managed to get pregnant after a while, then that's when it gets tricky. I'm going to take sometime to heal and when I try again, I'm going to focus all my efforts on the pregnancy. Nothing else matters.
I don't think I have any questions, this is more of a ramble. But I would also like to know, if any of you have been through early miscarriage then managed to make lifestyle changes and reduce stress to successfully conceive the next time. Thanks for reading this far.