Hi I have just signed up to this today.
Found out i was pregnant 2 weeks ago. This is my 2nd pregnancy. My daughter is almost 3. On Saturday i noticed blood and went to my hospital midwife unit unfortunately the early pregnancy unit only opens Mon-Friday here so the midwife i spoke to advised this is common in early pregnancy and to see if bleeding goes away. I was having mild period like cramps.But i could call the EPU in the next citys hospital I called the early pregnancy unit there they advised to wait 1 hour and to call back. I soaked through a sanitary pad by this point so i waited the hour and called back. They advised to come in. The Dr there done and ultrasound could see a sack but no baby me and my husband cried. She then done an internal ultrasound and we could see wee bean with a heartbeat. What she did notice was a small blood clot due to implantation and this was causing the bleeding and said i have a “threatened miscarriage” so not out of the woods yet as this could end the pregnancy. She said pregnancy will by 12 weeks absorb the clot and i have to be re scanned in 2 weeks to see if this has got any bigger and see how pregnancy is developing. I am still bleeding but not as heavy and now 6 weeks 2 days based on size of wee bean.
Has anyone experienced this before? My first pregnancy was brilliant as i had no complaints. 2 weeks seems like forever! Im trying not to stress out but cant help it.