Hi all, I am extremely upset to say that I had a miscarriage yesterday at 9 weeks pregnant, I am absolutely devastated I can't stop crying and feel so lost at the moment, can anyone offer any advice on how I move forward from this? Thanks
Miscarriage at 9 weeks :-(: Hi all, I... - Pregnancy and Par...
Miscarriage at 9 weeks :-(

I have also suffered a miscarriage and it is one of the most difficult experiences. My advice - give yourself time to grieve. It's natural to cry so allow yourself to do this. You will get past this and your body will physically recover. Don't give up hope. Xxx
Hi, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss!! I miscarried in September last year and feel your pain!! You need to keep crying and let it all out, I cried for weeks. Talk to your partner that will help. It's hard to say I didn't believe it at the time but time does take away some of the pain you are going through. When you are able try to get yourself out and about and treat yourself to some clothes etc. About three weeks after my miscarriage I went to my favourite singers concert I felt terrible for enjoying myself but once I got over that it helped me start to move on and realise that I did nothing wrong, my baby was too poorly and had she have survived she would have been very poorly so I took it as natures way of telling me this. I'm here if you want to talk xxxx
Firstly I'm sorry for your loss, in these sort of times the only healer is some time out for yourself I know its easier said than done but it's important not to blame yourself for any of this too.
Take care, xx
Hi, extremely sorry for your loss. I myself miscarried at 10 weeks last year in November and that was my first pregnancy. I was totally devastated and my husband was the one who gave me all his love and support which played a signifant role in healing the wound. He kept saying that miscarriage at this stage happens due to chromosomal abnormalities. It also helped as I would never have wanted my baby to live with any abnormality. You need to get close to your husband and share everything that bothers you. I hope he understands your pain.
Ah no really sorry, have you had a scan?
All that helped me was to cry and talk to your OH so you don't bottle things up as it gets to much to bear on your own.
So sorry to hear yr news losing a baby is awful but I agree with all the above give yrsrlf time to recover emotionally and physically. It will happwn for you the majority of ladies on here are proof of that including myself. Wishing you love and luck for rhe future xx
Thank you to you all for your lovely messages and advice. My husband has been great looking after me. An ultrasound and internal camera confirmed that I had miscarried at 9 weeks, it was such a traumatic day yesterday, one I never wish to experience again and my heart goes out to you all that have experienced this. This was my second pregnancy and I do have a beautiful 7 year old daughter who is my world so at least I am thankful to have her xxxx
I know its very traumatic I had two mc's before I had any of my children one at 20 weeks and another at around 8 weeks I was in a terrible state thinking what if ill never have children?? Etc but i guess its a good thing you have got yr lovely little girl so you know this time it was unfortunately just one of those things still heartbreaking though I know
xx Take care hun xx
I can't imagine your pain of experiencing 2 miscarriages, especially the one at 20 weeks, you are a brave lady and I am so glad you became a mummy after all of that. I do believe that things happen for a reason and on this occasion it just wasn't meant to be but at the same time I feel so sad for the loss and can't help wondering what it would have been like. I am not in a good place at the moment but I know it will get easier and it is good to talk to people that have experienced the same thing (unfortunately) who understand your pain, thank you xx
I know-what if's are not good it was 7 yrs ago now and it does get easier but at the time all I felt personally was empty xx always here to talk and the dark cloud over you will shift but it will take as long as it takes xxx
Thank you so much for your kind words and great advice xx
Sorry to hear Hunni. Xx
I know your pain, it has become a familiar route for me , I have 7 miscarriage the last one was 19 weeks with twins, so I know the pain and the heartache but time is the healer, and I am currently 7 weeks pregnant so you can just imagine the state of my mine now. It was a divine intervention from God that's what keeps me going. I miss my babies but I try not to associate or attach my feelings toward them because if they were meant to be here with me they would have but nature choose to take them away, so that's how I look at it and it gives me more clarity and peace of mind to know that they didn't want to stay with me so I just have to let go and find the strength to start a new chapter again.
But if crying is what helps to ease your pain then it's best you do it, but it's not an easy journey and it's not for the faint at heart, so stay strong and be positive that you will be pregnant again and have your little bubbles in your hand one day soon.Take my situation as an example, 7 miscarriages is not a walk in the park, I read last week about a lady that have 19 miscarriages and she finally have her little bubbles who's 3 month old, it gives me courage to carry on, so we know your pain and sorrows but just keep the courage and try and read books of inspiration to keep your mind occupied.
Thank you monika15. I am so sorry to hear that you have experienced 7 miscarriages, that is so heartbreaking. I am still very upset at the moment as it is still so hard to believe that this time last week I was having a baby and now I am not, I just feel so empty and lost. I am so glad that you are continuing to keep trying and I have everything crossed that this time everything will work out perfectly for you, keep us posted. I am not sure if i will try again, the thought of ever having to go through this again is unbearable but like you say time is a healer and things will get easier. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with me, this really does help me to look towards the future xx
Hi, I'm the same I misscarridged at 9weeks on 10th Jan. I so know how you feel. Please remember to keep talking to family and friends, don't build any feelings inside. My head is all over the place.
They say time is a great healer 🙂
I hope your ok and please remember to reach out to people xxx