Excited to have just had my first midwife appointment, and it's a bonus that she's lovely. I had been so concerned as I've been having a beige discharge for the last three days so she has booked me in for an early scan tomorrow. As I'm 8 weeks tomorrow will be hoping to see the heartbeat which might help make everything seem more "real". Roll on tomorrow.....
First midwife appointment-check! - Pregnancy and Par...
First midwife appointment-check!

ah that's great makes all the difference when they are lovely! and good that she booked u in fort a scan hope all goes well xx
Oh i'm so excited for you... It's very magical! Please don't forget to update us, we're all nosey sods... xxx
I will, so excited! I've only told my family, and I'm the first of my friends so its really nice to have a support network such as this to share it with!
At eight weeks you should see. Lovely flickering heartbeat and a little baby blob lol
Good luck xx
Thats good news .. I went for my 1st midwife appointment last monday and she sent me for a early scan as I didnt know how r I was with ne not havin regular periods prior to my pcos.. she sent me for scan the day after and I was only 5 weeks 5 days and I could see the little fluttering heart beat I too hav beige ish coloured discharge there is nothing to worry about with that every pregnancy is different I hope everything goes well for u good luck take care x
Duppy you well make me chuckle! But she's right, we are a right bunch of nosey sods & rightly so, if we weren't then none of our questions & concerns would get answered. All of my thoughts have been answered on here one way or t'other!
Congratulations. Amazing that you get your scan so quickly, i'm a tad jealous if i'm honest!
This is my 1st pregnancy, i'm a bit older & as yet I've had nothing other than the 'positive' test to confirm i'm even bloody pregnant! I have my scan on 17th & can't wait, then i'll actually believe i'm growing a little person in there
Scan was amazing! Im on cloud nine with my own little pic to keep! After a long and nervous wait, the nurse found the baby almost immediately and the little heartbeat was so clear, such a magical experience!! Its crazy that this little thing is inside me, ahh!
AWW Congrats what an amazing experience and you have many more to come
Enjoy every minute, rest and take care xxx