Hiya! Was just wondering when everyone's first midwife booking appointment was, I'll be 10 weeks on Wednesday and I'm yet to receive a call back from the midwife and my GP practice is a nightmare to get in contact with..... Xxxxxx
First midwife appointment?: Hiya! Was... - Pregnancy and Par...
First midwife appointment?
I booked my appointment via receptionist at my drs surgery & was given an appointment a week later.
When did you try to book one? I would consider chasing it up. Even if you go down in person. xoxo
Yeah mine was the same, called GP surgery and they said midwife would contact me that was like a week and a half ago. Think I'm going to have to go, the phones are either engaged or ring for abit and then engaged tone is put on 😵 xxxx
Could you go down in person? It’s easier to fob you off in over the phone than in person. Also it’s the midwife that books the dating scan, that might get delayed & that isn’t fair on you. Sometimes we have keep on to get anywhere. It shouldn’t be like that, but with the NHS often is.. xoxo
They finally answered and took my details again, and said midwife will call me tomorrow.... Lets see if that happens, I'll definately chase it up again tomorrow if they don't call. Yeah that's why I was thinking, I will easily be 13 weeks before I have that scan..... How is your bed rest going? Has everything stabilised? Xxxxx
Thank you. My business manager wasn’t impressed I wasn’t going back till at least Thursday. I phoned the drs & got a sick note and he said he’ll sign me off till next week. I’ve only had a tiny amount but it’s still unsettling. I had some yesterday & today I don’t know where the brown spotting is coming from. I’ve put some bits in the soup maker for a nice homemade tomato soup 🙂
Really hope you get to see your midwife soon. Let us know how you get on . Hopefully they’ll push your scan through sooner- they did my sons girlfriend as she didn’t see the midwife till 11 weeks ( she didn’t find out she was pregnant till later!) & the midwife booked her up whilst they were at the appointment & they had a scan a week later. Hopefully they can fast track you too xoxo
Most important thing is you and baby now so I'm sure work can wait lol. Can imagine it being unsettling, I hope it stops for you soon so you can enjoy your pregnancy! Aww hopefully! I've booked another scan for tomorrow anyways and I'll probably do another in a week and a half or so anyways, as I had a missed misscarriage round this time two years ago and I can't deal with having to wait for appointments if they're going to be this unreliable xxx
Hi Lianna.
After my 7wk viability scan at my clinic they told me that their job was done and that my next step was to contact my gp surgery to get the booking apt with midwife.
I was told via my gp surgery i could self refer to midwife. I was given the green book and a tel no to contact. I left a message for them but no one got back to me. After chasing it up at 8wks and actually speaking to someone i was booked in for the 1st apt with midwife a week later.
Please do call the midwife yourself if you have their contact number. If not go into your gp surgery and ask for these details.
Good luck x
Thanks for reply! I called again and finally got through, they said midwife will call tomorrow so I'm hoping they will happen! If not I will go down and make a fuss as the weeks are just flying by xxx

Thats good to hear. Hopefully they will get you in quick. Has your dating scan come through? x
I had mine yesterday at exactly 9 weeks
I have a feeling they just didn't pass my details on to the midwife, will be next week by the time she calls and I make the appointment, so annoying! Xxx

Just keep chasing them up, I referred myself at 6 weeks, but I am in the process of moving house, they were sending my letters to the house I was moving to, so I couldn’t access them, when I finally got keys to the property the landlord must have disposed of them as I had no letters there. I ended up ringing them 5/6 times over 2 weeks just to find out when/where my appointment was x
I contacted my midwife at about 7 weeks didn’t get an appointment until 11w so my scan would have been nearer 13/14 weeks but had to be before 14w as I wanted the tests done which have to be done before 14w. But I mc at 12+3w so never got it anyway.
Oh no sorry to hear that mine will probably be closer to 11 weeks now xxx
I’ve had another mc since then but I’m 5w again this will be my 3rd booking in which are so boring can’t wait 🙄
Can imagine you can't wait! Especially all the waiting, I didnt want to call for the midwife early just incase, the first few weeks are terrible when you've had losses. I knew it would be a nerve wracking time but I didn't think it would be this bad! Time is going so so slowly for me now, I had a missed misscarriage around this time a few years ago so I just want the next few weeks to go by already!
Most definitely I just want to get to 12w with a perfect scan but it’s going to be around xmas new year I best ring up and make an appointment.
Hope everything goes well for you this time!!! I'm going for another scan tomorrow xxx
Good luck xxx