Hi just wondered how long after midwife appointment did you get your scan appointment out? I was at my book in appt last wedensday and I still have not received one. I am 12 weeks pregnant and had a previous premiture birth. Thanks
How long a wait for first scan? - Pregnancy and Par...
How long a wait for first scan?

It took two weeks for mine to come in post after midwife appointment. I had premature birth last time so she said I'd be getting an early scan but I was 12.5 weeks. Decided it didn't really matter and didn't say anything.
Good luck x
I can definitely reassure you that the time went quickly and now I'm 14 weeks. Saw consultant couple of days later to discuss previous pregnancy probs and he was lovely and they gonna scan me more often to check for signs of premature labour (every 4 weeks after the 20 week scan). Take each day as it comes and tick off each week as a victory. I think I had the right attitude that there was no point in getting early scan as they wouldn't be able to see everything properly and it could make me worry more. At 12.5 weeks we had a really clear view. They're much more blurry at 10 weeks or so.
My friend has her last baby at 30 weeks...she's now 34 weeks with her 3rd baby and it's looking good for full term.
Yeh that's a good way to look at it I admire your positivity. Just worry as I am 12 weeks and don't even have a date in yet and wonder how long a wait I will have. That's great your friend is doing well with this pregnancy I hope I am the same asi delevered at 30 weeks also x
It wouldn't hurt to give midwife a ring tomorrow (or GP if you don;t have number for her - they might be able to tell you a number to ring) and ask what's happening and that you're anxious. Even though they see women with previous probs all the time, I find most are kind to you about it.
My attitude is...it is entirely NORMAL that women like us will worry throughout our whole pregnancy and won't be able to be truly happy until we are holding baby...and even afterwards we may worry more than other people who have only had straightforward experiences. It is ok to feel like this and it's good to find one or two friends or your mum who will actually understand this and not just say..."yeah but this is a different pregnancy" coz that doesn't make you feel any better.
Yeah my friend's current situation makes me feel better too...i actually met her on special care unit and our sons are friends now!
That is a lovely friendship as u have a shared experiance :). Yes my mum is understanding and has told me also to phone. My son who was born early has special needs and is disabled as a result of his premature birth. I just couldn't handle history repeating itself and want to know everything is ok so far even though it is very early. How early was ur little boy born? Yes I ageee the full thing is a worry until the arrival trying to stay as calm as possible and not stress as this is the worst thing we can do x
We had our son at 31+4 because his identical twin brother was stillborn first and he followed a few hours later. So with a single this time it shouldn't be a premature birth but they don't actually know that and have to still be kept an eye on.
What a tough time you've had - have you read the Welcome to Holland poem? It's about having a child with special needs x
Hope you got some kind of answer if you managed to ring today x
I am so sorry for your loss that must have been such a hard time for you. No I have not heard of this poem I am about to google it I hope I can find it as I would love to read it thankyou for sharing! I hope all goes well for you. My scan is tomorrow I am nervous but excited :)x
Lots and lots of luck that you get a good picture of baby! You deserve for it all to go really well. Let me know how it goes xx
I loved that poem I was crying it reading it I can relate so much. Thank you very much all went well! I am due the 15th june! What is your due date we must be quite close together? The picture is so clear though baby was lazy and sleeping most of the time lol xx
Hurray!! Congratulations that scan went well, so cute that baby was asleep! xx My due date is 6th of June but will prob have my cesarean in the last day or two of May (that's what I want anyway, although midwife was mumbling about a week earlier than that (38 weeks) which I don't want). Glad you like poem, my friend has a 11yr old who has a very rare chromosonal disorder when leaves him with learning difficulties and she shared it on facebook. Are going to find out boy or girl? We will, 18th Jan got 20 week scan so hoping to find out then. x
Am so sorry about that. It reminds me of my first miscarriage at 3 month.now i have done scan 4 times now! wish you all the best my dear.
Now am in my 13th week and i can see it clearly.
Yes I did have a c-section last time. I do have a hunch but I will keep hush hush until after I know! Haha! Your keeping it a surprise eh? Exciting!
Have a happy and healthy xmas - it'll make the next 2 or 3 weeks go by quickly and then we'll be that much further on with our bumps ;o) xx