Hi sorry this has taken me so long to do.
I had lots of replies and support during my pregnancy.
I was induced at 39 weeks mainly due to her size being so big and I was worried about complications that are associated with bigger sized babies . I know people say growth scans aren’t always accurate- in my case they were right. She was 9 lbs 15 oz at 39 weeks!
The gel failed - but when my waters were broken I went into full swing labour! I had pethidine unfortunately we didn’t realise I was in established labour- pethidine isn’t recommended in established labour due to baby having breathing issues after birth.
I was 10 cm dilated within half an hour! My other labours were fast but this was crazy fast!
Unfortunately Eliza was back to back ( I had awful backache during monitoring with Eliza) she also got her shoulder luckily for me I had an obstetrician help me deliver Eliza safely with a suction cup - it was very traumatic she was losing oxygen with each contraction that I had. I was pushing as hard as I could to get her out her ASAP.
She was born an hour and 5 minutes after my waters were broken and she didn’t cry the midwife had to rub her down.
4 hours after birth she was taken away from me- no one explained why they were taking her off me. I was totality freaked out. It turned out she was admitted to neonatal ward- and all wired up to help her breathe. It was deeply upsetting to see my baby wired up and I feared I was losing her like I lost my daughter Amelia. I was only allowed to express breast milk- but later that evening they allowed me to feed her. The first night she was in incubator it was awful putting her back there I missed her- I was allowed a room on the ward which was nice I kept going to see her. The next day she was allowed to my room whilst being monitored. She kept improving and was discharged the following day.
In hindsight I think I should’ve probably opted for a c section when I learned how big she was - measuring 40 +3 weeks at 37 weeks her growing increased even more at the end ! Sadly bigger sized babies often have difficult births and can have breathing issues after birth I only learned this after birthing Eliza 🥲
Main thing is Eliza is okay we feel fairly traumatised by it and the journey we endeared to have her- a late loss of our daughter Amelia at 20 weeks pregnant and 2 early miscarriages but finally our family is completed. I’m definitely not having any other children. I’m very happy with my son ( whose grown up) and 3 but 2 live daughters ❤️ What a journey it has been but feel very blessed 😇 Xx