Well I knew birth was a trial but never did I expect to discover it's not in the end unbearably painful. what do I mean by that, turns out my back pain is worse than labour!!! started with quite regular pains at 3am. waters broke 5am. Rang triage 6am told to ring back in 2hrs. rang back 8.30am, stay at home until really regular contractions. By 10 am they were every 7-10mins. rang back, triage were still saying wait, but should maybe go in to check waters had broke. so in we went. Oh yes waters broke, but could be following day before labour established so gave me a time to come in and be induced following morn if hadn't gone into labour by late on the night myself. went home. Contractions getting closer but not regular. In end just wet stuff this. Phoned back, said still early but if want to come in and get checked fine. So in we went. Pain in my back becoming totally unbearable. Midwife triage told me in this order to 'stop panicking, it's still early, and breath slow, your hyperventilating - oh!' 'Oh?' I asked 7cm dilated. straight up to labour ward.
By this point had uncontrollable shakes. They were surprised cos hadn't cried or even let out a moan, was breathing through - had kept trying to say was pain in my back that was worse. One quick examination, wasn't 7cm now, baby was coming right now! Gas and air, tried a couple of positions (on knees took pressure off back and was so much less painful, which was good as gas and air was not enough for the pressure that had been there but had no time for anything else), and one very daft comment from me (his head was halfway out and between contractions said 'this is really very sore now), an hour and half later baby john had arrived, needed a couple of stitches but all in all straightforward. Midwife on ward not happy with triage for not listening to me earlier as she had to rush to get everything ready and our hosp bags were still out in the car but said I must have the highest pain threshold of anyone she'd met. Anyways he's a happy boy. finally allowed home late last night after feeding established and I could 'walk' enough to get to bathroom and back, which at mo is with a bit of assistance, but hopefully will improve. He wouldn't settle last night and fed every hour but no seems happy in moses basket. Just waiting on midwife before we start allowing some visitors. Hopefully will maybe get a little nap b4 then? Thank you for all your advice and hopefully there'll some more new arrivals soon x