I’m not sure if it’s silly to be worried but I’ve been off the pill since May and trying for a baby. Since then a week before my period I have been experiencing what I think it’s spotting that lasts about 4 days. This time I started spotting again but I’m on day 6 of spotting and cramping and I’m starting to get worried. Is it normal to have spotting every month? And for how long is it considered normal? I’m so worried that there might be something wrong with me and could affect my chances of getting pregnant 😔 I feel a lot of regret now because I’m in my 30ies and only now trying to start a family and I’m feeling a lot of pressure and anxiety worrying that I should’ve started earlier in case there’s something wrong (sorry for the venting)
Spotting : I’m not sure if it’s silly... - Pregnancy and Par...

It is possible the spotting is just your hormones settling down after stopping the pill as it has only been a few months. However, it would be best to discuss with your GP as soon as you can for reassurance and also in case they would like to investigate to rule anything suspicious out. Have you had a recent smear?
I had this kind of spotting for a LONG time (16+ years, every single cycle, 5-7 days of heavy spotting which eventually turned into 10 days) before trying for a baby, and had it investigated numerous times over the years. No one was remotely bothered about it affecting my chances of conceiving (including the 2 consultant gynaes I saw), and they didn't find it especially abnormal, which I always found bizarre, so I assume it is common and doesn't always affect fertility. In my case ultimately it did and I had to do IVF because I don't make enough progesterone and also have insensitivity to progesterone, but going on how blase everyone else was about it it seems it is not an issue more often than it is, if that makes sense. xx
Definitely contact your GP if you're worried.
I came off my pill in September and I had spotting often too. It did lessen but I still got it a few days before my period. Then it changed to the day before. I think it's the hormones from the pill. They say it takes time for your body to get back to normal. But don't worry. It can take up to a year to conceive once you come off the pill but it'll happen. All the best to you