I am around 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant according to my app but dr says around 5 weeks and some days. Any who in August I had a miscarriage my first one. I have two kids prior. I’m trying to be excited about this pregnancy but it’s so hard to!! I worry all the time and the past three days I’ve been spotting it’s like a brownish and sometimes stringy.. Anyone else go through this?? Is it something I should be going to the Dr for?? My Dr said they can’t see me for a few weeks but if I need to to go to the ER. I have pains but I also have a uti and yeast Infection. Idk what to do.. I hope I don’t loose this baby!
Spotting brownish blood at 6 weeks is... - Pregnancy and Par...
Spotting brownish blood at 6 weeks is it common?

I had spotting with my first around this time, and shes now 4 years old. Yes it is very common. Honestly I wouldn't go to a&e unless you're bleeding heavily or in a lot of pain as unfortunately there is little they can do if it is a miscarriage and I wouldn't want to risk covid. Do you have access to epau (early pregnancy unit)? They could give some advice, but again are unlikely to scan you if it's just spotting. Hope it settles.
No we don’t have that here in California. I’ve been googling for days now not helping.... thank you for some relief and hope!! My last miscarriage came out of no were and I had to wait a month and finally the baby came out but I bleed so much I still needed a D&C and almost a blood transfusion took me weeks to recover... I’m so scared to go through that again feel like a dummy getting pregnant again!!
Hopefully it will all be fine. You've got two kids already which means your body is able to do this.
I am not sure if American a&e would offer a scan, the problem if you're around 5 weeks is that you're unlikely to see much anyways. I was around that when I spotted got an internal scan, then couldn't see a heart beat and then had to wait two weeks to be rescanned which was pretty awful.
I had this but was told by my midwife that the brown blood is basically the old blood leaving your body and the time to worry is when its bright red blood. Im now 14weeks pregnant. If your worried phone your doctors and ask them for the local midwife unit on call and they will talk to you about it over the phone. Good luck and finger crossed for you! Try to relax and take it easy xx