Hi Guys, I'm 6 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby and the only symptom I have is tender breast. I'm freaking out that something is wrong, I just cant settle.
6 weeks pregnant : Hi Guys, I'm 6 weeks... - Pregnancy and Par...
6 weeks pregnant

Hey there, congratulations! With my first pregnancy I had zero symptoms - literally nothing. I remember going to my 12 week scan terrified that there would be nothing there! Even at my 16 week midwife appt I can remember saying I just don’t feel pregnant other than being a bit tired.
It is absolutely possible to have little to no symptoms snd have a healthy pregnancy.
Having said that there’s still plenty of time for them to kick in so beware 😂!!! Take it easy.
I feel exactly the same as you, 3rd pregnancy and only feel slightly sick, my last pregnancy was horrid think I had nearly every symptom of pregnancy.
I’m just trying not to worry because every pregnancy/ baby is different, I know it’s probably not going to ease how you feel, but myself and probably many other pregnant women feel the same xx
Hi love I'm in pregnancy number 5 4th baby and I will tell you this pregnancy has been so different from the rest but baby fine I didn't have much morning sickness where as all other pregnancies had to be hospitalised each pregnancy is different x
Every pregnancy is different and I felt the same way at 6 weeks ... then it hit hard around 9 and 11 weeks with vengeance... blessings to ya lol.