I'm 6 weeks pregnant an hv not get a heart beat yet is that normal
I'm 6 weeks pregnant : I'm 6 weeks... - Pregnancy and Par...
I'm 6 weeks pregnant

Yes, it can be. I only saw pregnancy sac & yolk sac at my 6 week scan. I saw heartbeats and normal size babies at my 8 week scan. Try not to worry, it could well be too early to detect.
Do you mean on ultrasound? 6weeks (also how sure are you about dates?) could be too early to pick up by ultrasound, and you definitely can not pick it up any other way.
yeah that completely normal am 12 and a half weeks pregnant and i only had a sac and yolf sac aswell so dont worry about am sure all will be fine
I had a scan at 6 weeks due to bleeding and there was only a sac, which didn't surprise them. A week later you could see a tiny tiny being and a tiny heart. I'm surprised they led you to believe they could pick up a heart beat? A HV (midwife? Wouldn't be able to pick that up from outside your body for quite some time. Even an ultrasound at this stage would need to be done internally to see enough.
I was told you need to be at least 7 weeks before they can see the heartbeat do try not to worry (I know it's not easy!) x