From my last period was 16/01/20 so would make me 7 weeks.. had wiped brown blood when I went to the toilet so went to the early pregnancy unit for a scan. The sonographer found a very smallish sac but found really hard to find. My hcg levels yest was 9000. I don’t feel any pain.. I’m obviously not as far on as 7 weeks maybe a chance I have had a miscarriage or maybe really early on?? Looking for some comfort if anyone had a healthy pregnancy with these symptoms.
Pregnant 6 weeks brown staining - Pregnancy and Par...
Pregnant 6 weeks brown staining

My 6 week scan showed the same thing, a barely visible sac. I had a re scan at 8 weeks which showed a heartbeat and much bigger sack. xxxx
I had brownish gunk discharge week 10 caused by irritation. Could be that? Try not to worry discharge even brown in colour is usually ok.
Thanks trying not to worry hard though.. did u go on to have a healthy pregnancy?
Hiya I am 12 weeks now, scan next Mon. For me I am taking pessaries and it's causing irrigation. Discharge stopped when I take a break from pessaries, it's old blood I believe. Try not to worry and am sure everything will be fine.
No need to worry. Just add yourself lıke 2weeks and vısıt the sonographer for another scan and ıt shall show the sac.
I've had experience of both, my first pregnancy I had spotting and I'd had a missed miscarriage which was awful, but I took from it that it was at least a positive sign I could get pregnant.
In my second pregnancy I had some spotting again but went on to have a healthy pregnancy so you can never really tell.
The fact your hcg levels are rising is a good sign though, fingers crossed for your that it all works out.
Sorry to hear about your miscarriage, couldn’t imagine how awful it was for you. Thank you hopefully everything will be fine I’ve stopped spotting and in hospital now for more bloods the joys
Hi seems we are same i supposed to have my period Feb 25 but its late for 3days,i got spotting brownish and i took pregnancy test it show possitive and then Feb 29 i got bleed and blood clot and it was color purple,and i took pt again it shows negative i dont know what happened?i actually took pregnancy test two times and it shows possitive i just dont understand if am i pregnant or maybe miscarriage???
I believe things happen in life for a reason. Life can be really cruel x
Don’t worry, not likely to be a miscarriage from what you’ve described... bear in mind brownish loss means there was so little that by the time it had made its way down and out, the blood has become old so not usually even a reason to need an early scan. Good luck
Unfortunately the brown discharge keeps coming thinking that’s it