Hi was just wondering if any one has had simular experience!! I am 6 weeks pregnant and started spotting around two weeks ago where I would loose red/brown blood, I had a nhs scan last week and every thing looked fine but since then iv had a gush of brown blood then yesterday morning I was bleeding quiet heavy and past some clots so booked in for a private scan where they found a heart beat and was in the right position and still high above my womb since having that scan iv had a fair bit of bleeding and past a much larger clot if wasn't due to that scan I would of thought I was misscarrying but can not help think that I did misscarry juat wondered what peoples out comes have been as can not keep paying for scans for reassurance
6 weeks pregnant: Hi was just wondering... - Pregnancy and Par...
6 weeks pregnant

Many people have bleeds all way through pregnancy, only thing you can do really is go see EPU and they will do checks on you. It can happen that you bleed and nothing is wrong.
Thanks Hun just so scary!! I was debating to go up there but worried if they check me out will disturb something iv had two miscarriages in past and if it wasn't for a scan I would of been sure was another misscarriage
Chances of it doing harm are slim they will probably scan you and do bloods neither of which should do harm
Definitely have this checked out in hospital so they can actually help diagnose what is happening. I bled from weeks 5 until 9/10 and am now 37 weeks pregnant without problems. If you are going to miscarry it's not going to be because you had a scan, so it's best to get checked out by the EPU who are experts on this, see this all the time, and can provide proper support.
The clots sounds like it may be miscarriage I'll pray that it's not I had a similar situation happen to me some what i had passed a couple of blood clots went to emergency room they told me everything was fine went to my 9 week scan and the baby had stop growing and I had to take the abortion pill to terminate the pregnancy I was devastated I wish you the best on a healthy pregnancy I'll pray that not the case for you but since then I'm currently 37 and six days with a baby boy wish you the best keep me updated I'll keep you in my prayers
Hi it was a misscarriage Hun, two hours before I had a scan and it had doubled in size and a strong heart beat two hours later I passed the sac 😒 This is my 3rd misscarriage now but crnt get tested because iv had my little boy in between but som reason with those three I misscarried at exactly 6 weeks I was always going to drs cause if bleeding but because every scan was showing improvement they shrugged it off, congratulations Hun bet you can not wait to meet him I'm just so scared to try again but fingers crossed will be a better outcome for me xxx
Awwww 🙁🙁🙁 I know how you feel about that miscarriage so sorry for your lost I'll still keep you in my prayers love