im 6 weeks pregnant and im bleeding but not too much shall i go to the hoispital ??
6 weeks pregnant and bleeding????????... - Pregnancy and Par...
6 weeks pregnant and bleeding?????????????

Any Pains? would this be about when your period would have been due?
yes i have pain
and this happen 1h after sex
When u say "bleeding" is it deep red in colour or does it seem to be a Brown-ish coloured discharge.
The best thing is to monitor / watch it for the next few hours, but as you are only 6wks this could just be a symptom if implantation which on many occasions does not cause any harm.
yes it brownish im really scared thank u soo much
Try not to worry too much then. Many women (including myself) experience a brown-ish coloured disharge in the early stages if pregnancy but the baby is totally fine.
If you think you experience abdomal pain after or during sex its might be best to try & delay it until you feel more relaxed.
Bleeding can be brought on by intercourse as well as your uterus and cervix very vascular. Brown generally means older blood and can be associated with implantation bleeds, with red being fresh and active bleeding. I agree with Abenaa, monitor it few the next few hours, you can always call NHS direct for advice. It is safe for you to take paracetamol if you think pain needs management, do you think the pain is like a cramping? Is this your 1st pregnancy? How old are you if you don't mind me asking?
yes itis my firs pregnancy i check again the color now is red im 27
Contact ur g.p in the morning they should send u for a scan at ur local hospital. ... Take it easy and no heavy lifting. . Hope all is Ok x
Failing getting into the GP this morning you can always contact the Early Pregnancy Unit at your local hospital, if you were to be offered a scan it could be too early to see anything and you might be offered a recall a week or so later. Hope all is ok
I had the same light bleeding at 7 weeks and tummy pains, and I told the midwife and she sent me for an emergency scan the next day, It was such a relief, I was able to see the little heart beat. I was also advised by my midwife to refrain from having sex until the end of the first trimester just to be safe. I hope all goes well.