Hi, I've recently had my 8 week appointment which was done in two parts due to covid. A quick 15 min appointment at the clinic to take bloods, blood pressure and urine and a 45 min phone call with the community midwife to go through all the health questions. I've not had an introduction to my actual midwife yet, I guess this will be at my 18 week appointment...
I've got my letter for the 12 week appointment (ultrasound department and antenatal clinic) at the hospital and it states it may take 3 hours?! It doesn't really say much else about how to prepare etc...but I'm assuming it will be a scan plus the testing? Is there anything else I should be aware of?
I am feeling nervous and quite anxious about everything being ok so debating booking in for an earlier private scan which my husband will be able to attend with me. Has anyone had experience of this? What are your thoughts? My symptoms have eased a little in recent days (currently 8wk4days) so not sure if this is a worrying sign so early on.