Just been to see the midwife for my 16 week appointment get in, she starts asking me about the booking bloods, did Walsall take any, answer no, only the quads! Well can you go to Walsall and get them done! Answer erm no, I have work! Well these were supposed to be done before 10 weeks, yeah no shit Sherlock, pretty sure I didn't even see her for my first appointment till after ten weeks, and she was the one who said she wouldn't do them cause Walsall will do them anyway! So when I go to Walsall for my next scan on the in August, I've got to ask them to do my booking in bloods by then 20weeks pregnant and 10 weeks late on the bloods!
Then asks for a urine sample as though I have one pre prepared, she never bothered to tell me last time that I need to try and take a sample each time! Why do they never give you that grey cardboard thing to urinate in and just expect you to have perfect aim?
Then we get to the end of the appointment and she starts talking about booking in the next appointment which has been booked on a day OH can't go which to us was fine as we thought we were getting to hear baby’s heartbeat this time, and then she finishes up and I'm like is it not at this appointment we get to hear the baby's heart beat? No that's at the next appointment! I’m pretty sure that's when I asked about it at my first appointment she said it was at the 16 week appointment
I’m so confused and annoyed and not at all happy
Edit next appointment with midwife isn’t until end of September when I’ll be 24/25 weeks