I have had 2 c sections for both of my pregnancies, will this mean if I were to have another baby I would have to have a scheduled c section or will they still allow you to opt for a vaginal birth? Thank you
Are you allowed to opt for a vaginal ... - Pregnancy and Par...
Are you allowed to opt for a vaginal birth after having 2 c sections previously?

I think it depends on why you had the csection. But I also think they would support your decision. I had both my babies by csection; one emergency and one elective. They have said if I was to have another baby they would recommend me having a csection but I think I could push for a vaginal birth if I wanted one.
Google vbac and NHS ... It mentions that after 3 sections it would not be advisable to have vbac however it depends on why you had the c section in the first and it would be something that would have to be discussed with an obstetrician. It's not a one fit all answer.
I had 2 c sections and when I got pregnant with my 3rd child I discussed if I could go for a vbac. They said I could as long as he wasn't another large baby. Two weeks before I was due was told from my scan he was going to be another big baby. They booked me in for a c section. When he was born he was only 6lb 11! If you want a vbac you should be allowed to go for one hun x