Hi! I have been thinking of having a water birth. Might sound a bit silly, but was just wondering what do women usually wear in the water? A bikini top? I know its ok to be completely naked, but I think I might feel a bit exposed.
What to wear for a water birth? - Pregnancy and Par...
What to wear for a water birth?

I would like to have a water birth and I think I'm going to put a bikini on. The bottoms tie up at the sides so when I need to I can whip them off quick lol. I'm not sure I'd like to be completely naked...there's already enough exposure for me lol
Most women wear nothing.
Trust me, in the middle of labour you really couldn't care less about who sees or does what!
A bikini top or tankini or a t shirt whatever u feel comfortable in that's the main thing as long as ur comfy x
I wore a bikini. Took the bottoms off after the first time I was examined in the pool and didn't bother putting them back on but kept the top on. Partly for privacy but also because I was labouring with my elbows over the sides of the pool and would've been rubbing my boobs against the side if I was naked - I had enough discomfort to worry about without nipple ache!
Considering taking my belly band to wear over my boobs this time to avoid straps round my neck.
Water births are awesome - I hope you get one x
Hi there, as soon as the pool was ready, that was it, I was in the water starkers! That way I was able to relax like I was in a big bath. The mw didn't care and in all honesty I didn't want to get my nighty wet either. It was nice having the skin to skin to my chest as soon as my son was born too.
Its worth remembering that while its fine to wear clothing in the pool, wet clothing (even swim wear) is uncomfortable on the skin after a time and if you're in the pool for a while you may start to feel uncomfortable being a bit soggy and possibly a bit cold too (even though they top up the water regularly with more warm to keep it at blood temp).
I suggest you go with whatever is comfortable for you at the time, it really is the least of your concerns, when you are busy having a baby. I had an awesome experience and I would definitely recommend to any woman at least labouring in water if able, as the support from the water helps to conserve your energy and you are not as tired afterward. Good luck I hope all goes well.
I am hoping for a water birth too, As its only going to b my boyfriend in there who has seen me in bath many a time and a woman that I probably wont see again I cudnt really care if I was naked lol. I dont know how comfortable I will feel so if I feel to exposed will just leave my bra on but again when you have a baby I believe u leave ur dignity outside. Do whatever makes u happy.
I am generally self conscious but when I got to 6 cm I couldn't care less, to be honest I was quite happy not caring with what clothes were on or not! I'd pack light when it comes to during labour