My due dates on 15th october and Im getting nervous. As I dont want another c section. I had a emergency c section with my daughter. Have any of you had a vbac or tempted a vbac? How was the experience? I hope you dont mind me asking. Im just a nervous wreck.Thank you
Has any of you ladies had a vbac? - Pregnancy and Par...
Has any of you ladies had a vbac?

I've had 2 and have been ok but I've airways been induced at 39 weeks due my emergency section and my daughter being big. .. apparently having a baby which weighs over 8.8lb ur not suitable for vbac...I read it on a Web site but u would need to confirm with ur consultant. .. so Pls don't take that as gospel.... it is nerve racking but ur back on ur feet so much quicker and u need a good midwife that's so important. .. are they going to induce u?
Babymother The doctor at hospital said that they are going to induce and told me to book appointment. They give me 16th october at 2pm. But Im really confused as I discussed this with cm. And she told me that they are not gonna induce me that day and that the doctor going to have discussion about it with me. She also said that they induce women in the morning and that the hospital should have gave me a letter. What time did they induce you and did the hospital send you appointment letter?
I haven't had a letter my consultant wrote it in her book I'll have to double check that. ..I think they get u to come in at all different times. .when I was in hosp recently I saw women coming in for induction at different times. .. ring ur consultant secetary tmw and ask them to confirm that is right. .. they induce u at all different times but because u gave had a previous section u are classed as high risk so they will just break ur waters not use the Tampax thing I think! And they do it on labour Ward not on assessment Ward well that's the experience I have had.. but def get it confirmed so u know what is going on. ..u need to know so u can relax a little bit. ..I felt very up in the air with it all but now I know what's going on I feel much better
Babymother Thanks so much for your advice. I wil phn the hospital tomorrow
Am also looking at VBAC in three weeks. The midwife team in my area gave me an NHS booklet called "Birth after a previous Caesarean" which is really helpful and answered lots of questions. Also, I am not sure about the inducing thing you mention above, because it can put more pressure on the existing scar tissue, but maybe they mean something very gentle. I think they are usually willing to let you go over by 7-10 days but then there are factors like size of baby and scar tenderness which would result in an elective CS at that point. From what I have read, with good midwife support and if you can feel like your are supported and secure, there is a 60-70% chance of success, and your reovery would certainly be a lot quicker. Hope it goes well.
I had a VBAC with my daughter, she was born very quickly without any pain relief. It was fantastic! Just being able to get up after her birth made such a difference.
I was hoping to go for a vbac this time round. I was told you can't be induced because the labour is alot more intense so puts too much pressure on uterus of c.section. But speak to your consultant and don't be afraid to ask any questions, i went with a list lol.. Good luck x
Thanks ladies. I will phn the hospital today. Im really confused now
hi i decided elective 2nd time around after traumatic emergency section with my 1st and it was a totally different experiance , a much more positive 1 .
i researched while pregnant and the stats didnt fall in my favour for a sucsesfull vbac normally 3/4 sucess rate, mine was about 50/50 due to circumstance of previous section, i reasoned i was able to deal with the section but didnt want the risk of another emergency situation ! i could not b happier with my decision .
my son is 4 next mth and baby 8wks yesterday . i was in hospital 5 days after him , with her i was out the next day ! she arrived dinner time fri , i was up and about after visiting hrs that night & in the shower , home t time sat : ) i made sure i rested as much as i could at home while daddy was on leave, with my son due to start school 3 weeks after section i had to b up and about 4 school run which i had been worried about but i was fine . everyone has said how well i look 4 having a newborn, let alone by c section ( not just friends and family , people iv not seen in years that i now bump into on the school run and when im out and about shopping ect making conversation when they coo over baby. )
to my understanding an induction increases the risk of rupture so get ur doc to clarify the process , and also lowers the sucess rate. inductions generally have a higer rate of assised delivery and section rate .
also i beleve doc are now told to recomend/push vbac over elective as its cheaper to the nhs and reduce the c section rate as its now 1/4 and high rate in the uk , each hospital has its own stats and they dont like u impacting on them i my oppinion , my hospital had a particlar low rate and even though i made the decision to go elective they kept pushing and pushing for me to try vbac aginst my strong wish not to , i got so stressed at my consultant ap my bp went through the roof and i had to go to aau , they booked me in 4 section and it came down . they scare u with all the risks but elective has lower risks than emergency so if i was ok after that y wouldnt i b 2nd time elective ?
look into your options and what will end up the best result 4 u
personally my fear of another emergency section far outweigh my deep desire to birth naturally .... and i would never recomend anyone choose i section as its not as people think ' the easy way out '
its totally ur choice and i wish u the very best of luck , im just sharing my experiance .