Hi All
Firstly, thank you to everyone who kindly messaged me when I said I needed time out. I have had a chance to do some reflecting. In truth, I have not been in the best of places despite me trying to convince myself that I am okay.
To summarise, I have a very complex gynaecological history involving fertility treatment. Although this was successful (and I will be eternally grateful for this), I had a very traumatic birth resulting in a prolonged labour, huge amounts of intervention and assisted delivery, large postpartum haemorrhage and a poorly healed episiotomy scar requiring surgery. My daughter was born with several injuries (minor thank goodness but I was very upset by this).
In my opinion I received very poor antenatal and postnatal care. Examples include wrong blood tests being carried out and needing repeating, referrals going missing and needing to be resent and my confidential maternity notes (detailing my fertlity issues) were lost and then eventually found, having been posted through another person's letter box.
I was pushed into breastfeeding. At my 3 day check with the midwives I couldn't stop crying. I was struggling so much to breastfeed. Despite my very low mood, I was pushed to continue. I was told that my posture was wrong, the way I was holding my daughter was wrong and that I should be working harder to establish a better latch.
It was implied that because I was failing to breastfeed adequately my daughter had lost too much weight. I was encouraged to go into hospital an hour away to try and improve my ability to breastfeed. It was advised my husband did not attend. I declined. I wanted to be at home with my family around me for support.
A week after giving birth, a midwife finally sat me down and explained that I was never going to be able to produce milk because I was so anaemic. Borderline blood transfusion. I felt physically unwell, terribly guilty and absolutely exhausted. I felt a failure.
At my postnatal check I was very low having had what I can only assume was a bad case of the 'baby blues'. I asked the GP I saw why I had experienced such a large haemorhage. I was told that there was no information in my notes about this happening and therefore was considered 'insignificant'. Either my notes had not been forwarded on or had not been read properly as my copy clearly stated the complications I endured.
Devastated by my lack of support I changed GP surgeries and my current GP has been amazing. She said she has a background in obstetrics and does all the new mum and baby checks. She listened and has gone above and beyond, signposting me to all the right services whilst seeing me every 3 - 4 weeks for a review. She diagnosed me with PND. Naturally in the NHS things take time and I patiently waited my turn for treatment. I have been compliant with all treatment recommended and finally listed for surgery.
After having my surgery cancelled twice for non clinical reasons everything has now come to an abrupt halt due to COVID-19. Every avenue of support I had slowly built up has sadly come to an end (GP, family / friends, Health Visitor, therapy). Unprecedented but devastating.
I was told that I need another 12 months of treatment for my episiotomy to fully heal. 12 months! And that's after surgery.
I am not a young mum. I have 'wiggle room' but with potential fertility treatment needed, I am slowly coming to terms that another baby is not likely. It is one thing choosing not to have another baby, but it feels as though that choice has been taken away from me. The reality is I can't move forwards mentally until my physical symptoms are resolved which can't be done without surgery. I am losing hope that this will happen any time soon.
With the current climate the way it is, I don't know who to contact for help. I am a very low priority in the grand scheme of things and I know I am not alone feeling the effects that COVID -19 has had on everyone's care.
But I just feel so low that there had been no resolution to my gynae issues.
If you have got this far, thank you so much for listening and I hope you are all doing okay. Sending love and BIG hugs ❤️💕❤️