C Section Advice: Hi ladies, I’m booked... - Pregnancy and Par...

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C Section Advice

LittleMermaid1 profile image
45 Replies

Hi ladies, I’m booked in for a c section next week. We’re having twins and twin 1 is breech.

Any advice would be very much appreciated. I’ve read that arnica may help and also to take deflatine as bloating could be bad.

Also, v worried about Covid, as I’m sure everyone is. Just trying to stay positive and hope all goes well.


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LittleMermaid1 profile image
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45 Replies

Good luck. I had an emergency section and definitely not as bad as I expected. You do get trapped wind so maybe take some peppermint oil/tea. They can give it to you at hospital but takes ages as they get a prescription for it. An extra pillow is handy as your tummy feels like a water bed and can pull on the scar a little bit. Don’t be afraid to ring the bell for help to pick up babies as it’s a bit tricky after the section and you may feel ok but then move and not. Keep taking all the painkillers they offer and when you leave too. Nice big pants so they don’t rub on your scar and lots of maternity pads for bleeding afterwards.

So exciting you finally get to meet your babies xx

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply to

Thanks so much ❤️ Lots of handy tips there. I’m absolutely terrified but so excited to meet my girls 💗💗 xx

in reply toLittleMermaid1

Aw it will be amazing 😍 xx

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply to

Thank you 😘 xx

Stephybivf profile image

Hey I’d second the peppermint tea and also fresh orange juice to help you go to the loo as can be a bit tricky afterwards. Also the regular pain relief to keep the pain under control and drink plenty of fluids after.

It’s quite a funny feeling at first and painful but that should ease within a week or so just take it easy and don’t do too much.

Also Have you got a changing station? We got one and it makes such a difference so you can still change the babies without having to bend down.

I bet your so excited that you get to meet your precious little babies soon 😄 xx

Don’t be frightened, you don’t feel a thing. Also don’t look up to the big light above you- it has mirrors in between the light and I made the mistake of looking 🤮🙈 x

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toStephybivf

Ooow thanks for the heads up re the light!! I really don’t want to see anything they’re doing down there!!😱

And thanks so much for your other advice too. I only have a changing station in their nursery, might be worth looking at getting one downstairs too.

Thank you xx

Stephybivf profile image
Stephybivf in reply toLittleMermaid1

Good luck lovely, will look forward to your update xx

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toStephybivf

Thank you 😘 xx

ThatgirlRiv profile image
ThatgirlRiv in reply toStephybivf

Omg yes !!! That light about you killed me! 😞 I was able to see my belly open and not cool. I think I felt more pain because I saw it so they had to give me a tranquilizer. So yes avoid it that mirror light above you. Because you def. want to be awake to see your little ones after cutting you open.

Emmaxxx profile image

Oh I am so glad you asked this question. I am having a c section next week too and I am so worried about what happens after (pain, lifting baby, moving around etc). I want the catheter removed ASAP as I hate them!! I am scared I am going to be stuck in a bed with no help as our partner’s can’t be in the ward!!! Good luck, when are you going in? I am in on Thursday. Xx

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toEmmaxxx

Hey, I’m going in on Friday.

Best of luck with yours. Can’t wait to hear how you get on ❤️ xx

Franco81 profile image

Hi Little Mermaid,

How exciting you get to meet your twins next week! How many weeks are you now?

I’m sure it’s worrying with all that’s going on but they will be so careful at the hospital and have things in place to protect you and them as much as possible.

I had twins by planned cesarean 8 weeks ago (at 37 weeks) and I can honestly say that for me it wasn’t as bad as I had expected. The procedure itself is painless and the anaesthetist stays with you to check how you’re feeling the entire time.

Obviously it’s sore after so one thing I would definitely say is to keep on top of your pain relief. Take whatever they offer you even if you’re feeling comfortable at that moment as you don’t want to leave it until you need it! That being said, I didn’t need painkillers for long and I was able to go without even paracetamol after a week. Take it steady when you do get up and about and make the most of any help offered.

You’re likely to stay in for a night at least with a cesarean so I would also recommend cooling spray if you can get any? I found it quite stiflingly hot in there and with my swollen feet and legs the cooling spray was lovely! Also take plenty to drink.

I wish you all the best for a positive experience and speedy recovery. Such an amazing experience bringing two babies into the world. And I’ll look forward to seeing an update! Xx

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toFranco81

Hey, huge congratulations on your babies. Such lovely news. What weight were they and what are their names? (if you don’t mind me asking 😊). How are you finding motherhood with twins?

Thank you so much for all your advice. That’s really helpful.

I’ll be 37 weeks too when I go in xx

Franco81 profile image
Franco81 in reply toLittleMermaid1

Ah that’s amazing, 37 weeks is great as they are considered full term then I think so reduced chance of needing additional support. We were very lucky and ours didn’t need any help when they were born so stayed with me which was something I had worried about. I’m sure you’re getting uncomfortable now but it’s all worth it to give them the best chance of growth before they arrive. Are you sleeping much? I got to the point I had to sleep sat upright on the sofa! Still such a wonderful time though.

And I don’t mind at all, we had a little boy, Tommy James, born weighing 5lb 7oz (although they always tell you in kg!) and then our little girl born 3 minutes later, Ellie Rose 5lb 2oz. They kept us in for three nights to check that their weights didn’t drop too much which was really helpful as the nurses can help you get into a routine and also just be on hand for any questions.

It is a very steep learning curve in the most lovely way. I was totally knackered that first week but settled into it all and it’s amazing how quickly you adapt to less slept when there are two little people who need you 🥰

We’ve tried to keep them in sync with feeds mainly so that we’re not constantly feeding one then the other and they got into a 3 hourly routine with that quite early on (I am bottle feeding). It’s hard work and constant like any introduction to motherhood but I can honestly say it’s all I dreamed of and more after our long road to get here. (Birth/recovery/sleepless nights are nothing compared to infertility!) Don’t be afraid to cry sometimes though (I had a real hormonal melt down on night 2!) as the pure emotion of it can be overwhelming occasionally.

I was very quickly more comfortable after having them than I had been at the end of my pregnancy too so I hope that’s the same for you (although like someone else said your stomach pulls on your cut a bit so it’s not immediate but high comfy pants that a relatively snug around your stomach can help)

One other thing I thought of is lots of clothes for the babies. I took in mainly tiny baby stuff as expected them to be really small but I needed first size really so had to get people to bring more in. And you get through lots of baby grows in the beginning!

Ahh I’m excited for you, it’s so wonderfully amazing. Loads of luck to you that everything goes smoothly and feel free to ask anything any time x

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toFranco81

Thank you so much for taking the time to write the above. This is all really helpful and definitely what I need to know :)

Your babies names are lovely ❤️ and both good weights for twins. Did you find their weights are what you were roughly expecting? I had a scan on Monday (35+3) and the approx weights were 5lb 9oz and 5lb 4oz.

You’re right, I am so uncomfortable just now and, like you, I’m sleeping upright on the sofa!! I see every hour on the clock each night but it’s the only place I can get a little bit comfortable! I’ve also got really swollen legs and feet which doesn’t help! Did you have much swelling and did you find it went down pretty quickly after they were born?

That’s brilliant you’ve got them both into a routine. I really hope I can master that!!

Thanks for the heads up Re clothing sizes. People keep telling me I’ll only need tiny baby but I’ve packed 5lb, 6lb and 7lb clothes just in case! I’m a bit worried I’ve packed too much stuff - I have an overnight case for the babies, an overnight case for me and hubby and also my nappy bag with nappies, wipes etc! They’ve said once we go in my husband can’t leave and come back due to Covid so I wanted to make sure we have everything we could possibly need! I really hope I’m as lucky as you and my 2 don’t need any special care so we can get home ASAP 🙏

It’s so nice to speak to someone who is in the same boat as I will be soon 😊

Thank you xx

Franco81 profile image
Franco81 in reply toLittleMermaid1

Ah you’re very welcome, it’s so nice to talk to someone about to go through it. Such a cliche but time is going by in a flash and the birth already feels a long time ago! It’s so exciting although at the time I still couldn’t quite get my head round what was happening and didn’t believe they were mine (I’m not sure I still do now!). We were so excited the night before that we couldn’t sleep! We got in at 7am like we’d be asked and were booked in second of the day apparently but due to a few emergencies coming in we didn’t go to theatre until 3pm! That wait was torture!

The weights were slightly lower than they’d suggested, but only slightly (I think Tommy had been predicted around 6lb two weeks before and Ellie just less) . Also Ellie was twin 1 all along but Tommy snuck down and was presenting first by the time they were delivered!)

Oh the swelling was one of the most uncomfortable things at the end, it’s not nice is it. I used to sit with my feet up wrapped in cool wet flannels! I was swollen everywhere too, feet, legs, hands, face! Nothing seemed to happen in the first day or two and like I said the hospital was so hot it made that feel even more uncomfortable but within a week my feet and legs had gone down almost to looking normal and it was such a relief. I feel like it’s pretty much all gone now (apart from my belly!) but I still can’t get my wedding ring on 8 weeks later so there still must be some extra fluid in there.

It’s so hard to know what to pack isn’t it! Especially when you have no idea how long you’ll be there. I found that I’d packed too much for me and too little for the babies clothes wise. If you really get stuck though the hospital usually have some they’ll lend you. I’d definitely suggest pyjamas and shorts or loose fitting clothes for you mainly.

What day are you booked in? X

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toFranco81

I’m booked in next Friday 24th. They’ve said to be there at 8am and we should be first on the list to be taken. Just hope there’s not too many emergencies!

I’ve also got swelling all over, haven’t worn my wedding rings for months now!! But it’s my feet that are the most painful. It literally feels like I’m bursting out of my own skin!! Might try some cold flannels too 👍

What size of nappies did you use in the hospital? I’ve packed size 0 and size 1. Did you take in your own milk?

Are your twins sleeping together? I was thinking we’ll put them together at first to see how they get on.

I find I’m having crazy dreams lately like I did in my first trimester!! Probably because I’m waking up so much and not managing to get into a deep sleep. I dreamt last night that you had filmed a documentary about your twins and I was about to message you to say I’d just watched it!! Lol!

Waking up this morning and we can now say 8 days until we meet our baby girls!! It’s so surreal!! I’m like you, still can’t quite get my head around the fact that I’m growing 2 tiny humans who we’re going to meet very soon!!💕


Rainbowhope profile image

I dont have any advice but you will be in my thoughts. Praying for a safe delivery of your healthy babies. Hoping you will write a birth announcement soon so we can all celebrate with you. Best of luck lovely. Xxx❤

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toRainbowhope

Thank you ❤️ xx

embiemomma profile image

I've had 2 c sections, one category 2 emergency (under general anesthesia) and one semi elective (although extradited due to growth restriction so delivered at 37 weeks) very different experiences! I was really poorly with sepsis for my first and it took a long time to recover with complications. Second was sooo much better, it was actually quite a pleasant healing experience. I'm a nurse and was terrified of a spinal but once the weird tingly numbing was over it was fine. My tips for recovery are: get up and walking as soon as your spinal has worn off, and do it frequently but don't over do it. Drink loads of water to flush out the drug toxins and to make sure you can wee when the catheter is removed (I had 3 catheters over 8 days for my first as couldn't wee) take spatone (iron supplement) it gave me so much more energy when recovering with a newborn. I took it from my.last trimester and then for 3 months post birth. Peppermint water!!! The trapped wind pain (usually in your shoulder) is probably the worst bit! I had to have morphine at one point with my first! So take peppermint regularly, it really helps. The midwifes can give it you whilst you're in hospital. Also take the paracetamol and ibuprofen they offer - take the full doses for at least 48 hours, don't wait to be in pain. Put teatree essential oil in your baths after about a week to help the wound heal. I didn't bother with arnica, you're bound to bruise, especially if you have to have clexane Injections too. It goes after 3-4 weeks on it's own. When your wound is healed, use bio oil or similar which will help with the dark colour and also I found my scar quote itchy so helped with that too. Be kind to yourself, it's still major surgery, they say 6 weeks to recover because it really does... Even with my straight forward c section. Accept help!! Hope it all goes well for you, scary unknown times during a pandemic, but what an amazing thing to tell them when they're older! Xxx

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toembiemomma

Thanks so much for all of your advice ❤️ xx

Gronya23 profile image


I had an emergency Caesarian for my first, I will second the maternity pads and the big pants it can get very sore, I had terrible itching all over my face and chest once the anaesthetic wore off- this is normal. Also once you are home try and keep the scar as dry as possible once the bandage comes off mine became a bit infected as it was under the fold from pregnancy weight but you can put a pad or something over it to keep it dry. Definitely second the pain relief even if you think you don’t need it. Also when you do start moving around a bit more you will probably start bleeding more than you were so don’t panic. The midwives will help you so don’t be afraid to ring the bell! Above all enjoy it! Mine is 8 months nearly already and it feels like last week I had him, good luck

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toGronya23

Thank you ❤️ xx

Cheekymunchkins profile image

Don’t be scared I’ve had two surprise C sections and it’s not easy especially when you’ve got a baby to look after. This last time I did basic physio in the hospital bed three times a day, just leg slides and some pillow squeezes which really helped my recovery rate once I was home. Otherwise just have a lot of fruit and fibre to get you going. It is painful afterwards but then labour is obviously more painful during. At the end of the day you are meeting your babies in the most risk free way that is available for your situation and that is not something to be scared of. Just be prepared at home, You need side cots if you can because getting up is hard at first and also I really advise a bedside changing basket with everything you need nappies jug of water, cotton and a little ziplock bag for dirties, just to make nighttime changing a bit easier.

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toCheekymunchkins

Thank you ❤️ xx

Pattywinkle85 profile image

How exciting!

I needed up having a c-section as my baby turned breech around 39 weeks and would not budge!

My advice would be to get some high waisted tight underwear (might be a bit hard at the moment) but I felt having a bit of pressure in the incision was a huge relief. Also hold a pillow over your stomach when coughing pile sneezing and the drive home.

The other thing would be to move around as soon as possible - make sure you have a support person though when you first move as you will probably get quite lightheaded but standing up straight and stretching out your stomach muscles every so often made a big difference. My baby was up most of the night night two so I had to get up and down with him and I think this was the best thing and helped speed up my recovery. Don’t push yourself though!

Good luck with everything - such exciting time’s :)

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toPattywinkle85

Thank you ❤️ xx

Annh17 profile image

I had a planned c section last year and I had no idea what too expect, so it’s lovely be able to give my advice to people.

They will come round check you and baby, they told me about an hour before when to get in the scrubs, we went down to theatre at 11.30, they will wire you up to blood pressure, heart rate monitor, then will do injection (for me it really wasn’t painful) they will tell you how to sit and position yourself. They done that at 11.45, get you into position, 1st cut to skin was 12.06 and daughter was born 12.16. I didn’t even know they had started cutting, it was such a weird environment like, everyone was having normal conversations, didn’t make you feel like you was having a serious operation.

They then gave baby too husband, then too me, then took her away too be weighed and all that, while I was being stitched up.

Into recovery at 12.50, check you and baby over, we was back on ward at 1.35. You are then kinda left to yourselfs which was nice, but they was plenty of midwifes and heathcare assistants around.

I take it with what is going on with Covid, your other half won’t be able too stay after the birth?? If this is the case, I’m sure you will have extra help, as you won’t be able too move or pick baby up. Buzz if you need anything, we was lucky and only buzzed a couple of times, but lady next to us buzzed literally every 1/2 hour.

I didn’t suffer with trapped wind, but I have heard mint tea will help, extra pillows too prop your up and also a pillow when you are in car where seatbelt will be.

Big pants, leggings, I found putting a pad over the scar then pants on, just gave extra protection. Painkillers keep taking them, even if you feel like you don’t need them, just take them.

It’s a weird feeling, when you can get up and walk, I was doing very small steps and took forever to walk to the car and also going up and down the stairs, was such a strange feeling.

Good luck and you got this, we are strong woman. If you would like to know anything else, please ask x

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toAnnh17

Thanks so much. I hadn’t realised it would all be gone so quickly. That’s good to hear 😊 xx

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply toLittleMermaid1

Yea in total 2 hours, but the whole procedure from getting into theatre and then leave theatre was an hour, might be a little longer for you, as your having twins 😍 but you are in safe hands and they really do make you feel comfortable. We couldn’t believe the overall experience.

Just try and rest as much as you can, I know it’s not easy with being in lockdown with no family/friends allowed to help. But just rest as much as you can and take everything slowly, don’t rush into doing anything, it really is a serious operation your having x

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toAnnh17

Thank you ❤️ Good to hear you had a good experience. Finger crossed ours is the same 🤞 xx

Beccl93 profile image

I also had an emergency but was put to sleep at babies HB dropped to 40!

I was quite bloated & sore for about 4 days, I then started wearing control pants for a couple hours each day :)

Good luck! xx

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toBeccl93

Thank you ❤️ xx

Baypony profile image

Hi Mermaid, not long to go for you now!

Basically I second what everyone else has said, esp the knickers and the cot top changing/changing table. Also stock up on paracetamol and ibuprofen (to take when your hospital meds run out).

If they give you clexane injections (blood thinners) to do yourself at home i’d advise put then in your thigh, not your stomach. The last thing you want is to be injecting your stomach whilst it’s healing.

If you are planning to breastfeed then get a horseshoe shaped feeding pillow and master the ‘underarm’ also called ‘rugby ball’ hold so you can feed in tandem with one on each side. The pillow takes the weight so you don’t need to worry about having the babies across your healing scar.

Also it’s really important to have someone at home with you after for a good 2 weeks at least so they can help you lift babies and bring you stuff so you don’t have to get up a lot.

Flipflops or easy slip on soft shoes (for after in the hospital and for at home) that you just slip your feet into and you don’t have to bend down or use your hands to put on. Believe me bending down will not be easy or comfortable for weeks after!

Good luck 🤞

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toBaypony

Thank you ❤️ xx

ToniaB123 profile image

Good luck for your section! I had an emergency one (baby 7 weeks old now!). Recovery is pretty quick for everyone I know who had one but only if you behave and relax as much as you can for 2 weeks, no bending down, no heavy lifting. The one piece of advice which I found super useful was to get disposable pants, they were great! Just got from amazon. Midwives will be amazing on ward so don’t worry about looking after them you will have help. Best wishes!

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toToniaB123

Thank you ❤️ hope you and baby are well xx

Jane93 profile image

I had an emergency c section with my little girl and honestly it’s not as bad as you’d think. I didn’t get any trapped wind and didn’t find it hard to use the toilet after either. I recovered pretty quickly. The main thing I would say is take all the painkillers you are offered whilst in hospital as this really helps with the pain and keeps on top of it. As soon as you can feel your legs again you get up to have a shower and after that I didn’t want to get back into the bed 😂 do as much walking around as you can it helps a lot! Make sure to take big knickers with you and comfy pants you don’t want anything rubbing on the scar I still wear high waisted now I find it comfier. Take plenty of VERY thick maternity pads with you as you do bleed a lot and take each day as it comes the midwives will be there to help if you need any help at all. Hope all goes well with your bundles of joy 💕 good luck xx

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply toJane93

Thank you ❤️ xx

Franco81 profile image

Ah yeah, the swelling was the worst for me too, it really does feel like they might burst doesn’t it! I’d almost forgotten that though so I’m sure you will too once your world changes forever next week!

These two were in size 0 nappies for the first 3 weeks so I would imagine that’s all you’ll need too. I got through more than a whole pack in that first few days though so might be worth keeping a little stash in the car too. I did take some ready made formula bottles but they do provide it in there so I didn’t end up needing it. They don’t tell you these things though do they! Oh and I found water wipes great, they seemed happy for us to use them while we were there and I’ve stuck with them now too.

And yes they share a cot, they don’t seem to notice each other though! But also don’t disturb each other so that’s a blessing! I use gro bags or swaddle blankets at night which seem to help them settle.

Haha I don’t think I filmed a documentary but the last 8 weeks are a blur so maybe!! 😂

I never had strange dreams in pregnancy which I’m surprised about as I used to before!

Fingers crossed you can get in and meet your babies early on in the day, that last day waiting seemed to go on forever! Did you say you’re expecting two girls? Have you picked names yet? (Don’t tell me, I just wondered if you decided on them early on like we did!) x

gillyl profile image

I had an emergency csection 12 weeks ago.

Leggings are your friend, or anything high waisted/loose fitting.

Also, my sister gave me this advice, stick a sanitary towel on the front inside of your underwear so it will cover your scar. Sounds crazy but I found it so helpful in the first few days when I was sore.

Good luck with it all!


LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply togillyl

Thanks for this. I’m up for trying anything that helps so will try the sanitary towel 👍

Leggings are already my friend as I feel so huge just now!! Lol! So will make sure I keep wearing them 😀

Hope you and baby are well after your section ❤️ xx

gillyl profile image
gillyl in reply toLittleMermaid1

Bless you! We're all good, little one was 7 weeks early so we had a NICU stay (which we were expecting anyway due to other issues) but he's thriving now.

Let us know how you get on, we're all rooting for you xx

LittleMermaid1 profile image
LittleMermaid1 in reply togillyl

Ah that’s so lovely to hear. Glad he’s doing well ❤️

Thank you. Will hopefully post some positive news after next Friday 🙏💗💗 xx

Lowamh profile image

Hey! My twins arrived by emergency section a week before planned date (both breach) in December. They we’re 5lb7 and 5lb10 at 35+5. I just had peppermint tea for the bloating and went for a walk up and down the corridors a couple of times a day (can manifest itself as shoulder pain and walking eases it). I’d advise keeping a note of your medication times as I found I had to ask for it as they were so busy. It’s far better to keep on top of your meds. I had no issues with recovery and felt more comfortable post birth than during pregnancy!

We have a changing station upstairs and downstairs, I’d recommend a twin feeding pillow and baby bouncers. There are some really helpful twin groups on Facebook, one for breastfeeding (Breastfeeding twins and triplets) and Twin mums in the UK.

Good luck! Feel free to message me if you’d like x

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