I've been diagnosed with Polyhydramnios today at 32 weeks. I am the absolute worst for googling everything and have sent myself in to a bit of a panic. Looking for anyone with experience of this condition to calm me down and let me know what to expect going forward. Thanks all ❤️
Polyhydramnios: I've been diagnosed... - Pregnancy and Par...

I asked on here last week, also diagnosed at 32 weeks. Hopefully someone will have some advice, all I know is it’s pretty uncomfortable!
I'm sorry to see you're going through a similar thing. I've been uncomfortable and measuring big for a few weeks but this last few days I've been so breathless and sore around my ribs. Thought it was just a cold that I've had but it's obviously the extra fluid as well. They have said mine is mild rather than moderate or severe but it's still come as a bit of a shock. Follow up scan in 3 weeks for me. What's the plan to manage yours? x
Mine is the top end of mild, almost moderate but not quite. The consultant didn’t seem concerned and wanted to proceed with scheduled routine scan at 36 weeks but I asked for it to be brought forward so plan is same as yours - scan at 35 weeks. I’ve also had the glucose tolerance test (waiting on result) for gestational diabetes. I think you just have to wait and see x
I have a repeat glucose tolerance test booked on Monday, the last one at 26 weeks showed no signs of diabetes but who knows 🤷🏽♀️ Do you mind me asking what your level was to be the top end of normal? x
From what I’ve read there are different ways of measuring it depending on the hospital. Mine was 104 and I think 110 is moderate.
Hi, my wife had the same alongside being diagnosed with a short cervix from 30 weeks. She suffered from back ache and shortness of breath. It was suggested that rest would be advisable to avoid issues. No one was being clear or direct, so I had to ask “when you say rest, does this mean we can go for an occasional walk?” The answer was no, and we established that bed rest would be advisable. We were really scared that we would have a pre term birth but actually in the end we lasted all the way to 39 weeks until our elective c-section. Weeks 30-34 were really scary, but we got through it and my wife was amazing. Bed rest is quite tough, the uncertainty and anxiety, the boredom of not being able to do much.. but try and get partners and family members to help out where possible and you’ll be fine!
I’m not sure if this is applicable and if the short cervix element may not be for you - but just thought to share. Good luck!
I was diagnosed with this at 36 weeks. I had the glucose tolerance test and no sign of gestational diabetes. No one seemed very worried about it but I was induced on my due date. My husband said the amount of water that came out when they broke my waters was amazing. Baby is absolutely fine and no issues. I spent lots of time googling and got a bit worried but it was all fine. Good luck with it xx
I was induced at 39 weeks due to PH. Best (specific) advice I was given was to act quickly if my waters broke outside of hospital. You should get down on all fours with your bum in the air?! So glamorous! I didn't have any issues or causes. But felt pretty lucky to have all the extra scans! No found cause either!