I’m currently 32+6 weeks pregnant with my second child and I have severe polyhydramnios (which was picked up at 28 weeks) my current AFI from today is 37cm.
I am so worried about what this may mean for my baby. So far all scans have been positive, I’ve had 3 normal scans & 3 scans with Fetal Medicine and everything with the baby seems normal & baby is growing well.
I have been in hospital for the past 5 days with the threat of pre-term labour (I was having terrible backache & cramps) and I also had a UTI infection. I am not in any pain now but I am still showing contractions on the baby monitor but I’m not feeling them. They want to keep me in hospital for longer in case I do go into labour.
I feel so upset, stressed & anxious about everything, I have read so many worrying stories about polyhydramnios online and now I’m freaking out. Has anyone experienced anything similar or have any advice? Thank you.