Hi .. I was diagnosed with polyhydramnios at almost 37 weeks. Got monitored by .y doctor. My AFI went from 24 to 22 to 29. Now I have a doctor appointment tomorrow and my doctor said if it's not under 20 I have to grt induced or have a c section directly after they check. I want to know what other ppl did if they had to make this decision. I feel that a c section is the most safe option since I can fail the induction and put stress on the baby. Any advice?
Polyhydramnios : Hi .. I was diagnosed... - Pregnancy and Par...

I had this and I had to be induced and have my waters broke whist the doctor held the cord just incase of cord prolapse. I never had to have a c section straight after and went on to give birth naturally. But in the end I had to have a emergency c section because she didn’t want to come out and I wasn’t getting any further than 3cms, also her heart rate was dropping.
Thank you for your reply. So thats why I'm considering just getting the c section incase the induction dosnt work or im not able to push him out because they are saying he is really big already. How big was your baby?
She was 7lb 10.
God Bless... so would you say I'm better off just scheduling a c section ? If you had to do it over again would you?
Yes I would as I had a pessary induction and after 24 hours nothing happened so they left it another 12 hours, which they then could then break my waters. I was not progressing hours after that so I had to have a hormone drip which wasn’t working either. It was 8 and a half hours after my waters broke so because of that and her heart rate dropping they then said I would need an emergency c section.
Everyone is different though and I would say for you to discuss it with your midwife and see what advice she can give you. x
Thank you so much!