So had my mid t scan today baby was happily moving around found out we are expecting baby boy number 5 everything with baby is perfect the only thing they did say was the placenta was low lying but clear of birth canal I will have to go back at 34 weeks to see if placenta has moved up any more. Has anyone else had this??
Mid t scan low lying placenta but cle... - Pregnancy and Par...
Mid t scan low lying placenta but clear of os

I'm only 14 weeks but was told at scan last week that placenta is low. Bit worried but my Dr told me yesterday that over 90% of the time it moves up and away from the cervix as the uterus expands. Hope it all goes smoothly for you xxx
Mine did and it moved x
I got told at my 20wk scan I had placenta previa as mine is covering my cervix completely. So I have another scan at 34wks to see what's going on but I have an appointment with a consultant on the 13th of Feb to discuss what will happen. I also had a bleed two weeks ago which they think could be due to my placenta as the baby was fine. Mines unlikely to move so it'll be a c-section. Hopefully find out more at my consultant appointment. Hope yours moves x
Hi that's freaky I have a consultant appointment on the 13th too lol but mine was booked weeks ago as it's my fifth baby mine is clear of my cervix they just want it to have moved up more I think it will iv got another scan at 34 weeks too to check its position but I have another 2 booked in between now and then x