Hi was told at 20 week scan I have low lying anterior placenta and to be checked at 34 weeks. Anyone had this before? And is there a risk of bleeding?;
What is a low lying anterior placenta?? - Pregnancy and Par...
What is a low lying anterior placenta??
Very common, had it during this pregnancy and was normal at 32 weeks. Most low lying placentas will make their way up as the uterus gets bigger. Hence why they check again down the line. If the placenta doesn't go up, it can block the birth canal, meaning there is risk of bleeding and possible need for section. This is known as placenta praevia. However as I mentioned this is not common. Hope that helps.
Thankyou soooo much this helped a lot! Xxx

I had this and had a scan last week (at 29 weeks) and it has corrected itself 👍
Hey flora thanks for your help. I found this on NHS
If the placenta is still low in your womb, there's a higher chance that you could bleed during your pregnancy or during your baby's birth. This bleeding can be very heavy and put you and your baby at risk.
You may be advised to come into hospital at the end of your pregnancy so emergency treatment (such as a blood transfusion) can be given very quickly if you bleed.
If the placenta is near or covering the cervix, your baby can't be delivered through the vagina, so a caesarean section will be recommended.
A low-lying placenta can be associated with painless, bright red bleeding from the vagina during the last 3 months of pregnancy. If this happens to you, contact your midwife or GP immediately.
Bleeding during pregnancy?
Hi there. I see you have found the nhs guidance on what it is. Just wanted to reassure you... The other lady is correct, they usually correct themselves and only present an issue in 1 in 200 pregnancies. There are different degrees of low lying too, it can be low but far enough away that natural birth is possible. It may be touching the cervix or it may be covering. With the latter two, you would need a c section, but you will have had scans prior to the birth and everything would be planned out for you. I have a placenta covering the cervix and have had bleeding at 33 weeks where I was admitted to hospital for monitoring for a couple of days. However, what I've learned from the experience is that bleeding at this stage is common and what I consider heavy bleeding is actually not as bad as you think.
So for now, relax and don't worry about it as it will probably move, but if it doesn't, there is no reason why it needs to be a serious problem. If you experience any bleeding always call your gp or hospital asap and they can look after you.
All the best for the rest of your pregnancy xx
Thanks for your message. I just worry about my baby being harmed. I really hope I don't bleed before 34 weeks as crazy as I sound. Xx

I know exactly how you feel. I was terrified when I saw the bleeding and thought the worst. But baby was completely oblivious and perfectly fine in there. They gave me steroids as a precaution to mature baby's lungs incase they came early. At this stage 33/34 weeks the baby really is pretty well developed and would survive being born, they'd just need a little help.
But all of this is very unlikely so please don't worry. Even if you did bleed, baby is more than likely fine and happy in there xx
Thanks but how do you know they will be fine in there? Xx

I obviously can't guarantee anything but as you know the problem you will be able to get help at thr first sign of a problem and there is so much that can be done to help.
Follow the advice of your midwife, and your risk of issues will be low. But the chances of it moving out of the way for you are very high. Xx
Thankyou you have been very helpful 👌❤️
I had low lying placenta (Placenta previa) with my daughter who is 15 yrs now. Didnt know anything about it until I saw blood in my underwear it was just a spot at 7 months. My boyfriend at the time took me to A&E and saw a consultant who told me I need to take care as the risk of bleeding was high. I bled back and forth ending up in hospital, sometimes bleeding was low but most was a lot was very anemic. I had EC at 36+6 days cause I was loosing so much blood and delivering the baby was the only option to save both our lives. My little one was really tiny but healthy enough to take her home in 2 days. Didn’t need blood transfusion as my Hb level I guess were not quite bad but ended up with iron tablet for like 6 months. I am now preggie again 27 weeks + 6 days. My 20 week scan showed placenta is on the right place. But due to my history I am under the care of the consultant I have another scan @ 32 wks just to check my placenta.
Hope this help but try not to worry too much you will be looked after all the best xx
thanks For your reply sorry you went through so much. Luckily I don't have any bleeding... I don't have placenta previa it's just next to my cervix and I'm very confident it will move up as baby grows I have been told from midwife and apparently it's very common.. xx