Hip pain..: Hi everyone, I was... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Hip pain..

E_05 profile image
11 Replies

Hi everyone,

I was diagnosed with hip bursitis before I was pregnant but seemed to have it well managed, I’m currently 18 weeks pregnant and have found it’s really starting to flare up. Please don’t think I’m moaning as I’d put up with anything to be in this position.

I was just wondering if anyone had advice on how to manage it or ways they found sleeping comfortable? I’ve been using a v cushion up until now but I don’t think it’s really helping anymore.

Hope everyone is doing well x

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E_05 profile image
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11 Replies
Lovefood1984 profile image

I have no hip problems and I had bad hips about that time too. The second hand maternity pillow I bought off a friend was no good and I bought a different designed one which worked better for me and I slept pretty well after that until birth, it may be a case of playing around I’m afraid. Others may have some additional advice to help too. Hope you can find a bit of releif soon x

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to Lovefood1984

Thank you, I may have a look at some other pillows then x

Ang24816 profile image

Hey Hun. I hope you're well ❤️

I had awful sciatica in pregnancy and found that the only thing that helped was turning into my right for a while which I know isn't as safe as left so id try stay awake then turn back...on occasion my husband would wake me to turn over as I'd drifted off. It's really hard and I don't think there is any real solution xx

Ang24816 profile image
Ang24816 in reply to Ang24816

Good luck. Sorry I forgot to say xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to Ang24816

Thank you, I’ve tried doing that the last few nights which definitely gives some relief but like you say I’m so nervous of falling asleep on my right. I know it’ll be worth it in the end though, hope you’re doing well xx

I have had hip pain from sleeping on my side and have had no choice but to swap to my right. It's not dangerous to do that, the left side is just preferable (my NCT teacher told us that). I have one of those massive pillows that goes all the way round from front to back and I find having the back bit wedged under my bum and leaning back a bit takes the pressure off my hips. It definitely helps and I rarely have issues these days, even though I'm heavier. As you already have problems with your hips you may not be able to avoid it completely, but leaning back a bit to take the pressure off could help. Wedge the ftont bit under your belly and in between your legs.

You could also prop yourself up and sleep on your back for a bit. Again, I had no choice at the height of my pain as my sides were just too sore, as long as you're not completely flat.

Ps. You're not moaning, but even if you were it's allowed. The hip pain can be very uncomfortable without any issues 😁 xx

in reply to

I just want to point out that I haven't taken any unnecessary risks; I always go to sleep on my left side and only sleep on the right for a bit to alleviate the pain. As soon as I wake up and swap back to my left if it isn't painful. Xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to

Thank you so much, that’s re assuring to know about the right side as some nights that’s the only way to get some relief. I think I may need to invest in a bigger pillow as there’s not much room for hubby with all the extra pillows I’ve been using 😂

How are you doing? Xx

in reply to E_05

Getting a good night's sleep is crucial, particularly as you get bigger. My pillow takes up most of the bed, but it works well for me so my fiance has to suck it up! 😁 That said, he snuggles up to the back bit these days!

I'm good thanks, on the two week countdown to finishing work then I can relax. I'm having sporadic menstrual type cramps now which apparently means my body is gearing up for labour 😲 Very exciting.

Apart from the hip pain, are you doing ok? When is your 20 week scan? Xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to

Oh wow that does sound exciting! I bet you can’t wait to finish now!

Yeah I’m okay thanks, kind of accepted that the anxiety is going to remain with me now but feeling more movements which is so lovely. It’s 2 weeks until my 20 week scan but we saw my consultant last week and they did a quick scan for me just as re assurance which was amazing to see the baby so active xx

in reply to E_05

I have always found that accepting something like anxiety almost helps you to cope better, if that makes sense. Years ago I used to have panic attacks and I always found that as soon as I 'went with it' it started to ease, but the more I fought it the worse it got. Anyway, as I've said before, feeling the baby move definitely helps to ease the worries, and it's great that your consultant did a scan for you. Its so lovely seeing them wriggling away 😁 xx

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