I’m in the midst of changing jobs and careers but I also want to try for a baby.
I’m conflicted; on one hand I want to change career and I’m interviewing for jobs right now. This is something I’ve wanted to do for years and it’s something I’d like to do before having a baby because it’s more money, security etc. And more opportunities for when I go back to work after may leave.
I’m worried about changing jobs then finding out I’m pregnant because naturally with a new job, I can’t predict how I’ll manage being early pregnant and learning a new trade or what if the worst happens and I don’t know if I can rely on my new boss etc,?
I’m thinking that maybe I should hold off on trying until I’ve been in the new job for a few months so at least I’ve gotten the hang of things and have my bearings.
But of course, that means waiting on baby which is worrying. What if I wait and then it doesn’t happen for me etc., I had a m/c not long ago and have been so excited to start trying again the thought of waiting even longer is depressing.
I just don’t know if changing careers and trying for a baby at the same time is a bad idea, should I go for one and hold off on the other?
Any thoughts or experiences I’d love to hear. Thanks all 💜