So hard to decide...: Soooo...We're 3... - Pregnancy and Par...

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So hard to decide...

Eva79 profile image
16 Replies

Soooo...We're 37 weeks with GD and little man has grown out of his own centile. Had an appointment to discuss birth plans yesterday. In a week he needs to come, question is, how?

I feel induction is a big nono. It's sorta like a gut feeling, so I told my doc I'd wish for a C section. She examined me then said everything down there is perfect for giving birth naturally so she'd suggest to avoid risks of the operation and go ahead with induction.

Now am not sure tho still against induction reading a leaflet about Csection made me just want carry on being pregnant.

I have a little girl already, perfect pregnancy and 2 hrs labour popping out naturally with only bruising to me. No rips and no painkillers.

My reasons against induction are the time i might end up in hospital without seeing my 5yr old, and the same time what my partner will waste of his paternity leave waiting with me. Also to rely on fam n friends to look after my wee angel and all the thoughts in her sweet little head not seeing her best buddy, mom for uncertain time. Then there is also the chance that induction fails and I'll end up with an emergency c section more days in there and having the one thing done in a less controlled version what we were trying to avoid.

Against a planned c section i have the long recovery time, chances of infection, less bonding with my little man and also all the complications of the surgery - lot less than an emergency one but they're still there.

Can you guys make suggestions so I can weigh up opinions, maybe even experiences. I'm getting myself overly confused and worked up.

Help! :(

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Eva79 profile image
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16 Replies
Jwarby profile image

Have they offered you a sweep?

Just thinking I’d try a couple of those this week to get things moving before you go for induction or c section whatever you decide

Eva79 profile image
Eva79 in reply to Jwarby

Yes having one tomorrow and another 1 throughout the week. Hopefully one will work.

Jwarby profile image
Jwarby in reply to Eva79

Hope so

Fingers crossed for you.

Eva79 profile image
Eva79 in reply to Jwarby

Thank you x

SMSS profile image
SMSS in reply to Eva79

They say having acupuncture after a sweep increases the chances of going into natural labour. Ask your midwive about the options

Sisi14 profile image

After your sweep I’d go for a nice long stroll to see if it helps the baby lower or you to dilate.

I’ve had two inductions my first one was nearly 16 years ago I was 20 with my first baby and that was about 18 hours then my last one was 4 years ago with my little girl and they broke my waters at 3pm she was born at 8:01pm so 5 hours altogether and wasn’t bad and no pain relief. I’m now 30 weeks and high risk but I don’t want to go over but I’m not wanting a c-section think I’d opt for a induction if need be as I hate not being able to do things and with children at home to I’d want to do my usual routine. Just think what’s best for you and baby hun don’t stress out your be ok and your know what you want to do. I hope the sweeps work xx

Eva79 profile image
Eva79 in reply to Sisi14

Thank you x so do I. And thank you for sharing xx

Sisi14 profile image
Sisi14 in reply to Eva79

Your welcome and I wish you the very best xx

jowalk6 profile image

Labour unfortunately has a mind of its own hun. I was induced with my first son, after 32 hours in labour and tonnes of pain I had only dilated 2 cm so was given an emergency c section. He was a big baby. With my second later in my pregnancy they gave me a pelvic scan, as he was another big baby and they said my pelvis wasn't big enough so had to have a planned c section. Only you can make the right decision for what you want. Don't worry about missing time with the child you already have, after my last son 5 years ago I was home the day after my c section. Take care hun. Xx

Jmww01 profile image

i had the option of an induction at 39 weeks due to an unstable lie

which we happily took as for me personally a c-section was the definite last resort. i had the pessary inserted around 4pm, had to have it removed 4 hours later because my body went into spontaneous labour (which we didn't know until after we read our notes) they still broke my waters at 4cm though - my daughter was here just before 4am. very quick and unexpected. we were meant to be home that same day only there was a mix up between the mws and we ended up staying an extra night.

unfortunately its impossible to plan for every eventuality, and in the end only you and your partner can decide whats best for yourselves.

i wish you the best of luck in whichever you choose x

I’m not sure why you feel induction will be a long wait? If you gave birth naturally quickly last time then chances are induction will happen quickly for you too. If you have a c section you’ll definitely have to stay in hospital for a few days, but if you’re induced it could be done and dusted in a day and you’d be home with both children and hubbie that night.

jenna01 profile image

A c section is major abdominal surgery - it’s definitely not an easier or quicker option than induction! You’ll most likely be in hospital longer with a section and when you get home you won’t be able to do much, you can’t lift anything heavier than your baby, can’t drive etc. I would personally leave it as a last resort but everyone is different! Good luck with whatever you choose

Eva79 profile image

Thank you ladies x I think I'll go with induction and take it from there. Seems like the smarter thing to do even if it feels like a nono.

Have a sore lower back and wee man is super active, so maybe he'll just pop out on his own. "I should be so lucky" right? A girl can dream 😀

Got my stretch n sweep moved to tomorrow as I was only 36 + 6 on Saturday and they wanted to wait till full term without "intruding".

Thank you for all the input, it helped me make a difficult decesion easier ❤

Sisi14 profile image
Sisi14 in reply to Eva79

On my last induction Hun my little girl was in a rush to pop out she was born within 5 hours of induction and only 30 mins of the urge to come out I didn’t actually push her out she kind of flew out even my midwife was in shock . You will do great hun , hopefully tomorrow sweep will help too. You can find out if you have any dilated as I was 3cm at 40 weeks xx

Tgum profile image

I had to have an emergency c section after it was discovered baby was breech once my waters had broken and contractions had started. My experience was not a good one and 14 months down the line I still feel resentful of the fact I couldn't give birth naturally. The recovery is long and slow, you can't drive for 6 weeks, it's bloody painful and personally I feel that you don't get the same rush of hormones once baby is born so it takes longer to bond with bubba. I was also in hospital for 5 nights (due also to baby not feeding and being slightly jaundice and me having a mini 'I can't do it breakdown!) If I was in your position I would definetly go for the induction over c section. Good luck! Xx

Eva79 profile image

I've meant to post earlier but life got in te way 😊

Little one arrived on his own 9 days ago, no induction was needed thankfully.

Waters broke 2 am and was called in at 10 pm for induction if labour doesn't start on its own. It didn't so turned up at 10pm just to be told what i thought was baby moving was actually contractions...felt really dumb as with 2nd kid should've known better...anyway little prince arrived 8 am the next morning ❤

Thank you again for all the advice xxx

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