Just looking for some other people’s experiences of induction of labour as I’m worried I might not have made the right decision about this.
Currently 37+3 weeks. Have had several scans throughout pregnancy, all of which have showed baby is on the larger side (about 95th centile). Also measuring ahead of dates on midwife measurements. No confusion about dates as it’s IVF pregnancy. Glucose test was normal so not diabetic.
Consultant has suggested early induction as worried about baby being too large and I’ve agreed to this, booked for next week coming up for 39 weeks. I don’t feel I’ve been pushed into induction but that I’ve made the decision based on baby being big and I’m really scared of him getting stuck and distressed and ending up with a c-section. Dr advised me that recent evidence suggests no increase in c-sections following induction (I really don’t want a Caesarean unless definitely medically essential).
But now I’m really worried I’ve made the wrong decision and am thinking if the induction doesn’t progress labour I’ll end up with a c-section anyway. I know scans etc aren’t always accurate but baby has looked consistently big across about 4 or 5 scans. I also know suspected large baby is not necessarily a recommendation for induction.
Has anyone been through this? Was induction successful or was it as awful as some of the stories I’ve heard? I’m really fit and active and had hoped for a fairly active birth but now wondering if this is going to happen now I’ve opted for induction, as I think they’ll want to do more monitoring.
I’m seeing my midwife on Tuesday so can talk it through with her then but would like some reassurance and/or advice on the meantime if anyone has any? x