Okay, so we are heading into potty training time... any tips from those veterans out there, or anyone who is going through it right now? Especially interested in the age at which your child started getting success at this, and the specific techniques used to make it a positive experience for the child.
Potty Training...: Okay, so we are... - Pregnancy and Par...
Potty Training...

Stickers!!! And lots of lol don't waste money on an expensive potty, get a cheap one and get your little one to help decorate with them
How frustrating- I'd just written a huge essay practically, and only 2 lines were actually posted!!!!!! I will attempt to post again when my little one is in bed xx
Read "Stress free potty training", I borrowed it from the library. It has a checklist of things to look out for, for readiness. It also deals with lots of different issues, including constipation and diet.
My lg was 2 1/2years old. We had used the potty before bath time for a while so she knew how it all worked and had done wees and poos on the toilet as well as the potty. We had a play date with an older friend who was potty training, when we got home my lg told me she didn't want to wear nappies any more. We used chocolate incentives, she doesn't normally have much chocolate and stickers weren't going to do it for her. She got one tiny smartie for each wee and two white chocolate buttons for a poo. The first couple of times she wanted a nappy on to poo, hence the two chocolate buttons incentive. We've had a few accidents, but no where near as horrendous as some stories I've heard.
Keep it positive, if they do a wee or poo in their pants positive reinforcement, "oh dear, remember when your wee/poo is coming you need to get to the toilet/potty quickly, then you get ... (Incentive)."
Good luck!
Right, here we go again. As I said before, stickers, to decorate potty & to use on a chart. Deffo look out for the signs of readiness, such as dryer nappies between changes- indicating bladder control, & even them being able to tell you they have done a poo, or wee. I always think it's best to hold back on the character pants/knickers & use those as an incentive. Besides, if you buy loads of cheap ones to start with, it won't matter if you need to throw them away after a nasty toilet accident. Dress in easy clothes to pull up & down, ie jogging bottoms, and pick a week where you have no commitments so there are no distractions or confusion. When they've got the hang of it, put a potty in the car, then your never caught short on a journey. Also, don't make a big deal of any accidents, just change them- but obviously offer praise when they are successful.
I'm not at the potty training stage yet, but worked in childcare for the last 10 years. Mainly with the 2-3 age group so I've helped a fair few children with this lol people say girls can be quicker than boys, but I can't say I've really noticed a difference.
Good luck
Hi, my lg was 27 months, we had an unsuccesful attempt before we actually cracked it.
It had snowed quite heavily so because We knew we wouldn't be going anywhere, decided to give it another go.
So basically for us it was a case of letting her trot round the house with no nappy on and helping her recognise when she needed to go ( kept to the floor which was tiled and laminate) but actually not too many accidents. 4 days later she was at nursery and they were supportive, and paired my lo with someone who was trained to keep consistency. Luckily this was all was needed, we just had a little resistance from time to time with her wanting to use the toilet not the potty ( because they have the little toilets at nursery )
We kept her in nappies for naps and nights for a while, prob after 2 weeks dropped the nap and another 2 week dropped the night, as I didn't want to confuse her. Had only a handful of bed time accidents. Good luck
Success! Just had her first poo in the potty, she even let us know that she needed to use it - in her own way. She tells the same thing she used to tell us when she needed a nappy change. When we check and the nappy is empty, we know that she feels something coming on.
Very good success so far. Thanks all.
Hi! How are ya?
Lynne G. Stanley
Today... If you'll allow me?
I'd like to introduce you to a good friend
who can save you a lifetime of frustration
and disappointment when potty training your
You may be familiar with her?
Her name is The Potty Training Guru,
but she prefers Carol Cline.
Carol Cline has helped thousands of parents
potty train their child successfully in over
67 countries around the world.
How can she help you?
By showing you how potty training can be
easy... If you follow a proven plan.
Most parents potty train using trial and
error and *prolong* potty training by months
instead of just days if they had used a
proven plan.
Carol Cline explains here: startpottytrainingprogram.com/