Hi, I have some questions that I am hoping you can advice on:
I have had two early miscarriages, one at nine weeks and one just one day before reaching twelve weeks. I don't know the cause, but am worried that stress due to my work could have contributed.We are planning to try again, but I am really worried about staying at work (6days a week, I teach in a secondary school) during pregnancy even though I wish to return to work afterwards. In my home country women who work in schools or hospitals for example are often routinely signed off work from three months of pregnancy as these jobs are considered high risk. Is there any similar possibility in the state sector in England or is Maternity Leave my only option? I realise that ML only starts at eleven weeks before birth at the earliest. Also do two miscarriages automatically class a new pregnancy as high-risk? And any thoughts on taking low-dose aspirin as a preventative meassure if we don't know the cause for the miscarriages? Could the fact that my husband had cancer as a child be a cause for my miscarriages? Thanks for your help as I am growing wary of committing to a new pregnancy!