Has any of you mommas or anyone you know been successful in falling pregnant immediately after a miscarriage without waiting for at least one or two full cycles and carrying to term? I have read a few articles that suggest that if you dont wait a while, the chances of m/c again is high. I just had a m/c in Feb and I can't wait to retry as age is slipping through my fingers in that dept....
Successful Pregnancy Immediately Afte... - Pregnancy and Par...
Successful Pregnancy Immediately After Miscarriage?

One if my friends fell pregnant after losing her first within a couple of months n went on to have a healthy baby boy
Hi cindy, I had a m/c last April, waited for 1 cycle on advice of GP n fell pregnant straight after that 1st cycle. I'm sitting 2day with a 4 week healthy boy... Good luck, hope it happens as quickly 4 u. Xx
I waited a month to have a period so i could use an ovulation kit and am now 33 weeks. Xx
Yes!i can a mc in aug 2012 and fell preg in oct the same yr got a healthy 8 month old girl.good luck xx
Meant I had not can xx
I miscarried last February, fell pregnant couple months later in April and now have a 12 week old. If your ready now then go for it!! good luck
Hi cindyB,
I honestly believe its definitely possible to have a successful full term pregnancy after a miscarriage as im not 100% but a miscarriage is known to take place in or around a woman's ovulation time so therefore if you were to have had intercourse around this time its possible one of your eggs could may have been implanted back into the wall of your uterus.
You know my dear falling pregnant is only determined by God as people we will try do a lot of things to but when it is not Gods time its not.i had a miscarrage last year june I only managed to conceive this year in feb just concentrate on healing when its tyme you will conceive do not worry urself about being old
A huge "thank you" to you all sweet and wonderful ladies for sharing your personal experiences. Thanks, you all have given me hope and comfort as well. I'll update You on my progress!
You are welcome all you have to do just relax let ur body heal,enjoy ur life,sex do not stress or be concious
I had a bad m/c at 21weeks (early labour gave birth to my little boy) and was so desperate for a baby i fell pregnant 2.5months after. and carried. To term! It was scary thinking something could happen so maybe taking a month or 2 off isn't a bad idea just to make another mc less likely which will set you back even longer xx
Hey, I did have a 2 day period in feb before getting pregnant after missed miscarriage in jan and I have also read it doesn’t necessarily mean you’d m/c again! Stay less stress and laugh more, be as healthy as you can even if you fall pregnant straight after that happens quite a lot you’d be surprise, best advice is don’t over think or stress about it! And grow with your baby! I hope this helps xo