So after the failed sweep on monday, im currently 2 days overdue! Im so fed up, i wanna meet my lil buba! I have tried everything in the book to get things going from curries to sex. As of yet, nothings worked. I keep getting calls and texts to see weather baby has arrived yet which is also annoying, although i understand people want to know, but surely i would tell them! I have another sweep booked on monday, but tbh i just want him/her out now. I feel like ive been pregnant forever!
Still waiting... 2 days overdue - Pregnancy and Par...
Still waiting... 2 days overdue

What is it with January babies eh lol. I think they must be experiencing the after-xmas blues as they dont wanna come out and say hi!
Really hope ur sweep works on Monday, I've seen a couple of posts in reply to similar issues that have said that the second sweep was more successful so fingers crossed for u xx
Aww hopefully ur second sweep works, I have my first one sat, and hoping that works, I'm only due today tho. I know what u mean about ppl ringing & texting its sooo annoying. But hopefully we'l be hearing your birth story soon good luck for Monday. Xx
Have you tried acupressure, reflexology or an aromatherapy massage, supposedly they can help. I haven't tried them myself, but even if they don't start things off, they'll give you a nice chill out time. Obviously you need to find a practitioner who knows what they're doing re inducing labour using these methods.
I started having contractions after a long walk and my husband giving me permission to have the baby because he had completed an assignment for the course he was doing!
I saw a good post on Facebook the other day for those last few days - Keep calm status will be updated when baby is born!

Haha that status is brilliant wish id had that when i was waitng for my lo x

No havent tried them, i havent found anyone who does it in my area as of yet. I went for a long walk yesterday so hopefully it will speed things up x
I was in the same boat as you last week. At 39 weeks I had a joy had another at 40+2 which worked my little boy was born on 16th (5 days late).
I don't think they should give an precise date when your baby should be born maybe instead they should say "January some time"
Ah good luck BabyJ, cant believe it is past your due date.