Week overdue tomorrow 😫: Hi ladies I... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Week overdue tomorrow 😫

33 Replies

Hi ladies

I’m a week overdue tomorrow so have a sweep booked tomorrow afternoon. She said on Tuesday when I saw her that baby was still quite high so wouldn’t of worked then anyway so don’t see how three days is gonna make a difference. She still feels in my ribs to me.

She then said she will book me for induction next week at the same time. I’m starting to freak out after reading the leaflet! Has anyone had an induction and was it successful?

I just want her out now as with it being an IVF pregnancy I’m now panicking that something is going to go wrong 😔. Just want to meet her 💗

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33 Replies
Sisi14 profile image

Hi Hunni, don’t start panicking Hunni you’ve done the hard 9 months. I have 3 daughters 15,13, 3 years old two were over due by 12 days and 15 days ! It’s horrible going over but because it’s been so long! I was induced with them both and my first was a long induction but my other one was straight forward really, I had a few sweeps but no joy as she was also high but I was the same with my other one and she didn’t drop til I was in labour even though at my last sweep I was 2cm dialated the week before induction! I went in for 1pm they broke my waters at 3pm and she was born at 8pm with no pain relief and a whopping 8lb 11oz ! You can try evening primrose oil capsules to soften the cervix too ! Drink pineapple juice or eat it fresh! I’m sure your beautiful bundle will be here very soon !

Have you got a ball to bounce on or get on all fours at rock back and forth xx

in reply to Sisi14

Aw thank you for that! It’s so hard waiting and not knowing just don’t fancy being stuck in for days being induced. It’s bad enough sitting at home waiting lol.

I’ve got a ball which I have been sitting on and bouncing etc religiously since I saw the midwife Tuesday hoping baby might move down a bit by tomorrow. Would love for the sweep to be successful but I have a feeling it won’t be! Xx

Sisi14 profile image
Sisi14 in reply to

Well my lovely I bet the little one has moved down abit more ! Ask her if she can feel cervix if it’s soft and if you’ve dilated at all but I bet your little one will get lower with the Labour like all mine the lazy minxes ! Your be fine hun your doing all the right things xx

in reply to Sisi14

I hope so she’s certainly keeping us on our toes lol xx

Sisi14 profile image
Sisi14 in reply to

She’s a girl hun they do all three of mine did ! Xx

in reply to Sisi14

Ha ha doesn’t bode well for the future 😂 xx

I saw my midwife today. I’m 39+1. She told me the opposite to yourself - my baby is very low down and if the baby moves any further down, the next stage is Labour - yikes!!! I’m pretty anxious now and am staying at home waiting for the inevitable! My midwife’s advice was to get on my ball as soon as I got home to get him/her moving. If nothing happens between now and next week, I will be getting a sweep too.

I have felt my baby moving down over the past couple of weeks and it’s usually when I’ve been on my hands and knees either cleaning floors or playing with my dog. Maybe try doing a bit of floor scrubbing to get your baby moving? I also walk my dog daily which has been a tad tricky some days but I’ve forced myself since keeping mobile is meant to help. Only time will tell.

Not long to go now!! All the best and Good luck!

in reply to

I’m definitely gonna be sitting on my ball a lot and I said to hubby that we are going out for a long walk this weekend after my sweep tomorrow I really want to avoid being induced.

Good luck I hope your baby doesn’t keep you waiting long! Xx

I had an induction, she gave me a sweep with a pessary and I was in labour within 30 minutes. My baby also hadn’t dropped and must of during labour. I’n 39 weeks pregnant with my second with a sweep booked in on my due date. I’m hoping it works this time too!

Good luck! X

in reply to

Wow that induction doesn’t sound too bad! I think baby is making up for giving me a fairly easy pregnancy 😂. I think at this rate I’ll still be pregnant this time next week! Xx

Haha! They have their own plans don’t they! That doesn’t change when they’re out either! I think the last few days are the hardest, like the last 100 metres of a marathon! 😂 fingers crossed you don’t have to wait too long to meet your little one! Xx

in reply to

It’s the not knowing when they are gonna decide to arrive lol but it will be worth the wait in the end x

in reply to

Yes, I totally agree. This last week has been hard going as walking and driving have been tricky at times. I’m definitely ready to meet my little one as I can’t get comfy at all although I was on my exercise ball for most of yesterday afternoon and it felt much comfier - will get back on it and do the exercises again today. Fingers crossed it kick starts everything as I’m aching and fed up now.

in reply to

I cant go on my exercise ball until my one year old goes to bed. If I bounce on it in front of her, her favourite game is to see if she can push me off! 😂 fingers crossed you meet your little one soon! X

in reply to

Oh gosh, I don’t know how you are managing with a 1 year old as well.

I have to hide my ball when my step daughters are with us as they play on mine and our living room can get chaotic at times.

Yes, wishing you the same. Not long now!

anna0908 profile image

I was in a similar situation as baby hadn't engaged on due date and I was worried as knew most 1st babies did engage earlier. I had a small bleed the day after I was due so they induced me - head still high so was prepared for it to take days! I reacted really well to the medication - started off at 6am and Archie arrived 11 hours later! Pretty fast for an induced 1st Labour. I understand the worry - I had 3 failed cycles of ivf before this successful pregnancy and just wanted him safely in my arms. I'm assuming you've had a straight forward pregnancy if they have left you to go past your due date so no reason to expect complications at this stage. Trust in your body and the midwives and look forward to meeting your little one! Best wishes and good luck xxx

in reply to anna0908

Thank you that’s really helped. My pregnancy has been fine. I did have bleeding in early pregnancy but other than that it’s been perfect. I just worry the longer it goes on something will happen and I won’t get to see my baby. I just have a feeling the sweep won’t work and the induction won’t work or it will but won’t be quick. My body does not seem to like me much lol. Just hope I don’t have to wait another week for induction xx

Lyndsaytw79 profile image

I had 2 inductions, 1st was lengthy and 2nd great and very quick! It sucks going over hun! If you can, have sex, go on long walks, and bounce on ball! Good luck 👌👶🏻🙏 x

in reply to Lyndsaytw79

Thank you! I’m bouncing on my ball as I write this 😂 and will definitely go for a long walk this weekend after my sweep. Sex is out the question as it’s too painful for some reason and that’s one of the easiest things to do 😂. 🤞🏻sweep magically works this weekend xx

Lyndsaytw79 profile image
Lyndsaytw79 in reply to

Ah fair enough, the sweep I found pretty uncomfortable tbh but worth it if it works xx

in reply to Lyndsaytw79

Great lol but at least then I’ll know where I stand with regards to induction and what options I’ve got xx

Lyndsaytw79 profile image
Lyndsaytw79 in reply to

Exactly! Let us know how you get on xx

in reply to Lyndsaytw79

All done and wasn’t too bad really at least she managed to do it. I’m booked for induction on Tuesday using propess so I can come home and hope things happen x

Lyndsaytw79 profile image
Lyndsaytw79 in reply to

Excellent keep bouncing girl xx

in reply to Lyndsaytw79

😂 will do xx

roxannacar profile image

Any news? I was over due 6 days with both my girls... sweep worked for

First, second was too high up so couldn't have sweep ... I was told she wouldn't do it as if the membranes are ruptured during sweep there could be a cord prolapse so please ask about this!!!

in reply to roxannacar

Just had my sweep which wasn’t too bad. I’ve had worse! Booked for induction on Tuesday using propess so at least I can come home x

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Keep bouncing hun 🤣 that's all I can advice I was booked in for induction had two sweeps and my waters broke day before induction was booked I was already in hospital and had strep b so they brought my contractions on. I hope you get somewhere before induction but if u don't your in the right hands lovely good luck.💗🤗😘

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

I’ll definitely keep bouncing lol and we are hopefully gonna go out for a nice long walk tomorrow lol want her here before induction!! Xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Bless you I hope she comes before then lovely. Looking forward to your update 💗🤗😘

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thank you!! Xx

in reply to

Glad to hear it went well. Good luck! I hope it all happens quickly for you. I’m still waiting too although my sweep will be next week x

in reply to

Thank you! Hope it’s not too long for you xx

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