Im 40 + 4 days and am booked for a sweep thurs. I really don't want this or an induction so any ideas for getting things going greatly appreciated
4 days overdue - ideas for getting th... - Pregnancy and Par...
4 days overdue - ideas for getting things going ?

Accupunture, I was trying everything going & nothing was working and went for acupuncture at 4pm, had a great nights sleep and when I stepped out of bed the next morning my water broke. The therapist said it had worked with most pregnant women and if not after the first session def the second. Good luck x
What is putting u off the idea of a sweep? They get the hormones going to kick start ur labour it doesnt hurt and can be very effective... bouncing on a ball can help..Not long to go now! Good luck xx
Hi Kerry1607,
I truly believe staying as active as you can is a true & proven way to get labour started " especially if you're overdue"
A " sweep" is something which is done to help shift some of the mucus or membrane away from the opening of your cervix which then in theory helps the baby to come down.
It personally never worked for me during my 1st pregnancy 5 yrs ago but it could just work for you.
Another proven way is to be intimate with your husband/ boyfriend as this is known to stimulate your hormones to prepare for labour.
Walking, I walked into town and back the day I went unto labour with my first (normally a 25 minute walk, considerably longer at 9 months pregnant).
I haven't tried it, but I second the acupuncture or if you don't fancy the needles, acupressure, reflexology or aromatherapy massage - my local hospital actually offer this on NHS for induction and I will be opting for this next week if baby hasn't sorted himself out. Good luck.
My little one was exactly a week over due. The day before, she arrived I drank lots of raspberry leaf tea, ate pineapple, a spicy curry went for a walk and had a hypnobirthing come on out baby session. Not sure if any of it worked or if she decided it was time to make an appearance on her own. Good luck
Pineapple, raspberry leaf tea, curry, sex don't work! Keep an open mind about the sweep -my cervix was too far back for the sweep to work but a sweep is your best bet.
I REALLY didn't want to be induced but it was fine. Once labour starts:walk. I went up & down stairs at the hospital which got things moving quicker.
hey, i found the weep was quite effective, but was walking lots and like to think that helped too! hope it goes ok 2moro- if your bundle hasn't arrived already!
Try everything, intercourse, raspberry tea. A spoon of caster oil (my cousin swears by, never tried myself), a long walk, spicy curry. Nipple stimulation it states in pregnancy book works. But my last two pregnancies ended wit me eating a tube of pringles worked both times, leaves you thirsty tough. If a sweep happens don't worry its no worse than a smear test.
I've had 6 sweeps (2 overdue babies!) and whilst ranging from uncomfortable to downright painful they have all had some result - ranging from period cramps to losing my mucus plug and getting things started. I would really think about giving it a go, if the cervix is already favourable and baby is down then it needn't be so horrendous. Otherwise I also had acupuncture and had baths/massage with clary sage oil. My last baby was due over Christmas and I was really anxious about childcare for my first as we don't have local family and I was getting really wound up about baby coming...turns our physically I was ready as I stayed 2cm dilated for a week but without labour starting. As soon as I just relaxed about it and had a massage and some reiki (never tried before...but very relaxing) I went into labour! I did nipple tweaking when my contractions started as I had been having a few during the week befor but they hadnt progressed and they came on regularly after each 'tweaking' until labour was established. I had also had a full on sweep that day which was painful but clearly tipped me over the edge into labour - sweeps stimulate the hormones needed for labour to get going plus are a good way of seeing how favourable you are looking to go into labour.
Best of luck, being overdue is rubbish!!!