Had midwife at my 36 weeks appt been told she's now head down (finally) and about 1.5cm dilated. Have been having a lot of period type cramping which midwife advised early stages of labour and to drink raspberry leaf tea and walking.
How many cups of raspberry tea leaf c... - Pregnancy and Par...
How many cups of raspberry tea leaf can u have a day??

That's great, have you tasted it? I used to drink 1 a day from 37/38 weeks. It's not supposed to bring on labour necessarily but improve muscle tone to help contract uterus and post natal help retract it
Get a fitness ball and rock, bounce and swivel. X
I'm not keen on the taste, but it's bearable.
I have got a ball and I think that helped turn her round.
Thanks for ur response x
I will be honest I had one cup and I didn't like it...although when I was at end of my pregnancy it was a very hot august so tea wasn't top of my drinking list.its an acquired taste lol. X
No I don't blame u I would of hated being heavily pregnant this summer was way too hot! X
I too was a fatty in the sweltering heat. However I liked the tea so I usually had 3 cups a day. But as was said above, it's really meant to help the uterus muscle, therefore help progression of labour in the pushing stage, etc rather than kicking it off good luck! x
If anything helps with the labour I'm willing to try it. Just doesn't say on box how many is ok to take. I like to have 1 in morning and 1 at night just wasn't sure if that's ok or too much. Thanks for the replies x
Yh definitely, anything is worth a try
U can get capsules from Holland and Barratt