for 2 days because they thought my labour would start naturally,after 24 hours i had a pessary which was kept in for 12 hours as waters had gone. we waited and waited did what felt like 100s of laps of the hospital but nothing it was so boring in there and i got so emotional every time my partner had to leave. they eventually took me to delivery suite on the 17th may at 10.30 a.m where i was put on a drip to start contractions, we were in the same room not being able to move until 11.30pm when i was examined by a doctor to see if i had dilated, it was the most painful experience ever! had not dilated at all so an emergency c-section was my only option, we were both so scared the epidural was awful im so squemish anyway and she was poking around for ages. my partner was so amazng i said he would need to talk to me about nice things so i wasnt thinking of what they were doing to me, we both laughed afterwards as i started to sing " raindrops on roses" from the sound of music. They eventually held up our beautiful daughter at 1.32a.m we both burst into tears,she weighed 5lb 14oz and needed no special care. we feel so blessed cant stop staring at her,most amazing experience of my life but im never repeating it!! thanks to all you mummies for the love and support over 9 months and i wish you and your little bundles lots of love and joy
DAISY BELLE has arrived!! Update on e... - Pregnancy and Par...
DAISY BELLE has arrived!! Update on early labour at 35 weeks, after my waters broke whilst making toad in the hole at 35+2 was kept in hosp

Congrats she's beautiful x
Ahhhhhhhh she is so adorable. I think the sweep is more painful than labour itself. You were a trooper to keep going that long you should be proud of yourself, no wonder you were so emotional bet you were shattered.
Congratulations to you though she is gorgeous.
Ahhhhh congratulations lovely name hope your not too sore! Good luck tc xxx
Oh congratulations and welcome to motherhood, welcome to the world daisy. Gorgeous photo of baby. Get lots of rest xx
Congratulations, she so cute.
WOW! Congratulations! She's a right cutie! x
PS: Famous last words: ''never again''
awww lovely name and what a beautiful little girl
congrats and well done.. xxooxx
She's so cute!!!congratulations!!!xxx
What are we like, giving birth at 35 weeks lol, congrats Hun, ad it's great another little person that was early didn't need any extra care
Congratulations on your wee bundle of love, she's a weeny one eh. Take care xx
Congratulations, she's gorgeous!xx
Fabulous news. Congratulations, Daisy Belle is adorable xx