Well ladies thanks for your advice telling me to go back to get my waters checked. They had gone and it was confirmed about 8:00pm. Because it had been 48 hours they induced me at around 1:00pm this morning with a pessary. I was 1cm! Managed to get some sleep and was still only 1cm this morning. Was given the drip but only for around 45 mins before I was doing it myself. My god it hurt. 4 hours later I had my epidural before they did another exam. To find out I was already fully dilated!!! So then had to wait another hour for him to work down a bit before pushing. Then in 27 minutes he was out!!
Couldn't believe it!
Hope the pic has worked.
Thanks ladies for encouraging me to go back. I don't hve infection not does the baby but they are keeping an eye so have been really lucky. I had a few doses of antibiotics before he was born too.
He was actually born at 2:22pm this afternoon and weighs 7lb4oz. We are yet to name him.
I love him so much already and my man was a rock.
Best wishes everyone xxxxxx