I’d love to share with you things I learned from Water in Osho Healing and Meditation . ❤️😊🙏
* Water teaches humility, surrender, and flow.
* Water shows me that who I am now is more than who I was at the time any memory was made.
* Soaking in warm Water is a conversation with silence, and our cells listen.
* A long, warm bath is quieting and expands knowing.
* Playing in Water dissolves pain.
* Returning to Water, the womb of peace.
* Water is the unconscious.
* Water is a kindness, dissolving tension.
* Feeling much younger, restored innocence, after a bath.
* Playing in Water is and always has been a savior.
* The mysterious creek, a childhood oracle.
* Oceans hold the cosmic song of dolphins and whales, long after they sing.
* Deep ocean swimming is a form of flying.
* Resistant and supportive, Water helps us feel embodied in a luxurious way.
* Letting go in Water teaches pure being, no thought, no mind.
* Shapeshifting Water is a wild immortal who can do anything.
* Water forgets the shape of its interaction, returning quickly to Herself.
* Tears are the oceans moving inside.
* The rushing river unlocks my possibilities somehow.
* Surrender to warm Water overcomes impatience and urgency.
* Water is a goddess of renewal, a daily miracle.
* Ah, the Moon has spoken to this Water.
* Water surrounds and accepts.
* Water is contact with the first mother.
❤️Happy Mother’s Day Everyone!❤️ 😌🙏🌺