Dear All,
This evening....well technically 'last' evening- I'm writing this a 12:30 am....I cooked a lovely Honey Glazed Gammon Piece. It can from Iceland (the Store...I didn't travel to the Country!) it came as 'Deal', with Meat Balls and Buttered Chicken.
I did Mashed Potato (technically 'creamed', because I added milk & butter) and had some mixed peppers, I had already. The meat is 'supplied' with a gravy/ sauce, that you poor over- during cooking- but I added 'bit' more stock. The result was Beautiful and between myself, and 'Neighbour' Mike, we finished the lot😋😋😀.
I Didn't cook it exactly, as 'they' say- I foiled it for the first half an hour, before turning it over. I had the oven a bit Hotter too.... but then I know 'my own' cooker!
I just Got Out, three smallish chicken breasts, for tomorrow's dinner... I'm going to 'do' my 'Black Treacle & Rosemary' dish. I have give, this recipe, before but if anyone Wants it gain then please PM me.